Greater Than Rubies, a Novella inspired by the Jewel Trilogy
thousand times over.”
    “I don’t deserve anything more than anyone else.” Robin put her hands on the side of her head. “Look at this place. Your bedroom suite is the size of our entire apartment. How do I be a wife in this home?”
    “You just learn how.” Sarah frowned. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
    “It feels so right with Tony when we’re at the O’Farrell’s house or our apartment. Nothing seems out of place.” Robin waved her hand. “It’s okay. I’m just stressing out loud. Don’t worry about it.”
    “If you’re sure. I know that weddings are extremely stressful, even when you’re not marrying Boston royalty. It will get better, I just know it. You and Tony were meant to be.” Sarah stood. “I’m going to go to bed for real this time. Are you sleeping out here or in there with me?”
    “With you, if you don’t mind.”
    “Of course I don’t mind.”
    Robin felt a pang of remembrance. “You used to sleep with me all the time,” she said, running her hand over her sister’s curly hair. “I was six when you came home from the hospital. But, you didn’t have a bed, so Maxi slept on the floor and you slept next to me. Your dad would always kiss you on the forehead. I remember him. I remember he was really nice. He was just kind of, you know, not very smart I guess. I remember I’d get up at night and feed you and he would come in and sing heavy metal songs like lullabies.”
    Sarah’s eyes filled with tears. “I wish I could remember.”
    Robin felt a cold shudder go through her. “No, you don’t. You don’t ever want to remember.”

Greater Than Rubies: CHAPTER 5

    AXINE opened the double door refrigerator and found the platter of sandwiches Tony said she would find there. Underneath, she found a container of potato salad and another one of cole slaw.
    “Did you find everything, Maxi?” Robin asked, coming in behind her.
    “I think so. If you’ll put the coffee on, I’ll set this out on the table.”
    Maxine carried the large platter through the kitchen door and into the dining room. She arranged the platter on the end of the long, long table but left the plastic wrap on it. When she went back into the kitchen, Robin was just pressing the button to start the coffee machine.
    “I’m going to go ask Tony where to find plates and such,” Robin said. “I don’t know if he wanted to use real things or if he had paper plates somewhere.”
    “I’ll get these salads into something other than deli containers.” Maxine started opening cupboard doors. “Assuming I don’t get lost in this massive edifice searching for bowls.”
    The door shut on Robin’s laugh. Maxine kept searching. She finally opened a door and found a walk-in supply closet filled with serving platters, serving dishes, and serving bowls. Drawers revealed silverware – real silver – with a “V” engraved on the handles. On the shelf, she discovered two small glass bowls that would perfectly present the deli salads.
    When Maxine went back into the kitchen, she stopped short upon seeing Barry at the sink, filling a cup with hot water. “Hi there, big guy,” she greeted, hoping her lipstick was still on straight. She hadn’t checked it since she left for church that morning.
    “Hi, yourself,” Barry said, giving her a quick glance. “Glad to see you in church this morning. I was worried the weather would keep everyone away.”
    She wore a plum colored knee-length skirt that perfectly matched her three-inch plum colored heels. She liked the fact that she still had to look up at him even with her three-inch boost. At her height, she considered it a rare treat to stand shorter than a man. “The streets were clear by the time I headed out. I brought Robin’s new car. This way, I can take Sarah back to her car at the hospital and drive Robin home.”
    Barry nodded. “Sounds like a good plan. Is there anything I can help you with in here. Maxine?”
    She raised an eyebrow. “On, no. I think

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