Green Tea and Black Death (The Godhunter, Book 5)

Green Tea and Black Death (The Godhunter, Book 5) by Amy Sumida Page A

Book: Green Tea and Black Death (The Godhunter, Book 5) by Amy Sumida Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Sumida
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dead as sacrifice. You'll gain a lot of power from this, won't you?”
       Her face transformed into a rictus of rage, lines pulling down to her gaping mouth and eyes narrowing. She lunged for me and I automatically defended myself, the needle forgotten in my pants. I didn’t have time to release my blades or pull my sword, so I made do with hand to hand combat.
       I twisted and turned, pushing her back into the dirty pavement as Kirill circled around us, looking for an opening. Diving in to help someone in a one on one situation can be tricky. You could end up hindering instead of helping. So he waited and watched while we tumbled about and I appreciated it.
       I got in a few good punches. Most goddesses didn’t know a thing about hand to hand combat. Why would they? They were generally pretty pampered. So it wasn’t just good training that helped me get the best of her but her lack of it. She slumped back with the last punch I got to her head and I pushed myself to my feet.
       As I brought out the case and was finally able to open it, her hand reached out and clawed my leg. Long black nails tore through the leather and cut my skin, burning and sending a horrendous pain up my calf. I cried out and fell back, Kirill catching me before I hit the ground, and the syringe falling from my hand to break into a thousand pieces on the pavement. Xi Wangmu’s laughter echoed off the damp walls as she traced away.
       “ Kirill,” I gasped as I grabbed my leg.
       “ Tima, it’s going to be alright,” he held me tight and traced us home quickly.
       When I opened my eyes next, I was laying on the living room carpet, stripped but wrapped in a sheet. My leg was exposed and black blotches were spotting it. At the top of my inner thigh there was a burning sensation and I could feel the skin there swelling. I moaned and clutched at the hands holding me. It was Kirill, he was there. At least I wouldn’t die alone.
       “ Tima,” he whispered. “I called Trevor and he’s gone to fetch Teharon. Hold on, please hold on.”
       “ It hurts,” I felt the disease spreading over me, attacking me, making my body into a wasteland of black blood and massacred tissue. “I don’t think I’m going to make it this time. You’re going to have to lead the Intare. I know you can do it, you're steady and strong. Tell Odin, Vidar, and Vali how much I love them, how sorry I am to have to leave them again. Tell them to let go of me this time and move on.”
       “ Stop it, Tima.”
       “ Tell Trevor I’m sorry I hurt him,” the pain was getting worse, it was getting hard to think past it. I guess drinking from the Grayel didn't make me invincible. I guess I was wrong… again. “Tell him I love him and Kirill… I love you… so much. You’re special to me, my black lion. I think I’ve loved you from the moment you faced off with the other Intare for me. You were so fierce in your pain, so beautiful and fearless. Do you remember how you tried to protect me?”
       “ I remember.”
       “ You're going to have to leave me here,” I frowned, thinking about my real family. “My family can't know about any of this but can you take care of Nick for me? He's going to be so confused.”
       “ Of course, Nick vill be looked after. Tima, don’t speak like zis,” he was shaking beneath me, around me. “You’ll be fine.”
       “ I don’t feel fine,” but then suddenly I did. The pain ebbed and this warm glow came from my center and spread out to my limbs. “Kirill,” I grabbed at him again but this time it was with hope. “I think something’s happening.”
       Before he could reply, Trevor and Teharon came tracing in. They ran over to us, Trevor taking my hand and Teharon laying his palm to my chest. Teharon was the Mohawk God of healing and he was good at his job… very good, as my continued existence attested to.
       But, as it turns out, he wasn’t needed this time.
       “ She’s

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