Hamilton Swoop, Wizard of Green Ridge

Hamilton Swoop, Wizard of Green Ridge by L. Stewart Hearl Page A

Book: Hamilton Swoop, Wizard of Green Ridge by L. Stewart Hearl Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. Stewart Hearl
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sir, but others have said that it is so."
    "May I keep these?"
    "I would be honored if you would, sir. I could draw some more if you wish.” Roscoe's face glowed.
    "No, lad. These are fine. Who was it that saw the dragon breath fire?"
    "Mr. Quinn, the Senior Messenger, told me that he had seen it do so."
    "Where can I find this Mr. Quinn?"
    "His offices are nearby. I will take you there if you wish."
    "Yes, that would be most helpful."
    "I will have to let Mr. Thackeray know where I am going, sir.” Hamilton nodded and the boy ran over to the manager. A moment later, he returned. Hamilton rose and followed the boy out the door.
    A warmer sun shone down on them. They walked several blocks down empty streets. The melting snow had turned to slush and even the sidewalks afforded little protection from the water.
    Roscoe hurried ahead until Hamilton asked him to slow down. “Roscoe, where are all the people? I don't see any indication that, ah, Thermite has entered the city. What are they afraid of?"
    "Last week, it burned the bank. That's just two blocks from here. People left quickly after that."
    "So the wards didn't work."
    "Wards, sir?"
    "Never mind."
    "Yes, sir. The messenger's office is over there, sir.” Roscoe pointed to a slate-sided building with a marquee bearing the words Norkon Messenger Service, Amil Quinn, Proprietor.
    "Thanks for your help, boy. Here's a half-royal for you. You can return to the inn."
    The boy accepted the coin. “Thank you, sir.” Roscoe half bowed then took off at a run in the direction of the inn.
    Hamilton entered the building. A tall man of dark complexion looked up from behind a counter. “A message to send, sir?"
    "Are you Mr. Quinn?"
    "Aye. I'm Amil Quinn, the owner. Do you have a message to send?"
    The man looked to be about Hamilton's age. There was little hair left on his head and what remained had turned gray. Behind the owner was a wall of over a hundred cubby holes. All, but two of them were empty.
    "No. I am seeking information."
    Quinn's hopeful smile melted into a frown. “And who might you be?"
    "I'm Master Citrine. I understand that you have seen the dragon breathe fire. Is this so?"
    "Are you that wizard that Diamond's been talking about? The one that's going to kill the dragon?"
    "I suppose so."
    "Then bless you, sir. That dragon has just about wiped out my business. Anything I can do to be of service, you have but to ask. Would you like some coffee? I've just brewed me a pot."
    "Thank you. I would."
    While Quinn was pouring the coffee, he asked, “So you wanted to know about the dragon, yes?"
    "Yes. Did you actually see it breathe fire?"
    The messenger brought the coffee over and offered a cup to Hamilton. “I did. Saw the beast set fire to Jason Carroll's place, just outside of town. Didn't look right, though."
    Hamilton took a sip of the coffee and placed the cup on the counter. “How so?"
    "Well, I'd never seen a dragon before, but I've read a bit about them. This one spits out this white stuff. Sort of a liquid, you know. Well, just before this stream of stuff hits Jason's place, it flashes into flame. Like it was burning down from the dragon's mouth. Sort of like a long, fast fuse. Know what I mean?"
    "Not really."
    "Well, say you've got a cup of fish oil. You start pouring it and then light it at the cup. The fire burns down the stream. Like that. The fire burned Jason's place to the ground in minutes."
    "What happen to Jason?"
    "He wasn't home at the time. Mostly though, the dragon doesn't set fire to buildings. Mostly he just crushes them. Must weigh quite a bit."
    "Is Carroll's house close?” asked Hamilton.
    "'Bout a mile out of town, on the West Road. I can show you if you like."
    "If it wouldn't be too much trouble. I wouldn't want to take you away from your business."
    Quinn gestured about the empty office. “See any business? Be glad to. Finish your coffee, and I'll lock up."
* * * *
    They arrived at the remains of Jason Carroll's place mid-afternoon

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