Happily Ever Afton

Happily Ever Afton by Kelly Curry Page B

Book: Happily Ever Afton by Kelly Curry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Curry
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Derrick ordered after closely assessing the strengths and weaknesses of his team like a military sergeant.
    The whistle blew to start the match and Afton gave it all she had, tugging and laughing at the same time as the crowd surrounding them yelled out encouragement to each side. She glanced back over her shoulder once to see Cooper at the end of the line straining mightily, muscles flexing tautly in his powerful biceps, digging his sneakers into the grass for purchase. But the grass was still slippery from the rain and despite his best efforts; Afton soon went tumbling into the mud pile.
    ‘Yuck – this is so disgusting! ’ she gasped falling onto her hands and knees with helpless laughter burbling out of her. She avoided most of the mud that befell her fellow front-of- the-line competitor from the other side of the rope – Suzie Wang – the steroid popping suspect whose long shiny black hair was now indistinguishable covered in a coating of thick mud.
    ‘Don’t worry Suze; I hear mud is one of nature’s natural conditioners!’ Afton chortled, reaching down a friendly hand to help out the editor of the health and beauty section of the paper.
    It was a very even match this year compared to the previous year’s blowout when the editors had handily defeated the non-athletic writers who were usually found huddled indoors behind their glowing computer screens instead of pursuing strenuous activities. But this year the writers had a secret weapon and that weapon was – Cooper – who single handily kept them in the competition.
    One by one, the line thinned on each side, the mud receiving lots of reluctant visitors until it was just Cooper and Jason left in an epic battle of strength. Where it had previously been a friendly competition, this seemed to be something more personal – the two heavily muscled men glaring across the mud pile at each other, each holding tightly on to the rope wrapped around their waists.
    Afton nervously nibbled a thumbnail watching them battle it out, feeling almost as though she might as well have been tied to the middle of the rope instead of the red flag swaying over the mucky black puddle. The two grunting, heavily perspiring opponents, equally matched, sent the flag back and forth over the mud – neither willing to give an inch – and the crowd quieted, the cheers dying away. Everyone sensing that something much bigger was being fought over here.
    ‘So which one are you rooting for, Afton?’ Derrick sidled to her side trying to get the lay of the land as any good sports analyst would.
    Afton shook her head, refusing to answer. Truth was, she really didn’t know who she was rooting for, just prayed for it to end quickly! She closed her eyes briefly, so she didn’t see the two small children darting in and out between the legs of the crowd in an impromptu game of chase. When one of them knocked into her, she fell off balance in the damp grass.
    ‘Ow!’ she yelped after landing awkwardly wrenching her wrist slightly.
    Cooper looked over in concern, his grip on the rope slackening and in that moment, Jason yanked hard sending his distracted opponent flying face-first into the mud.
    A groan went up from the writers who’d thought they had a shot this year, mingling with raucous cheers from the editors. They lifted a spotless Jason aloft on their shoulders carrying him off towards the tent with the tarnished silver trophy triumphantly thrust in the air in his hands, singing a rowdy chorus of We Are The Champions .
    Afton ran over to Cooper who was rising slowly on to one knee trying to wipe the mud away from his face with the back of his hand. She couldn’t help but laugh seeing just a pair of bright teal-blue eyes and brilliant white smile appearing through all the mud.
    ‘Here, let me help you out,’ she tittered, but instead of grabbing his outstretched hand, she poured the entire contents of a large water bottle over his head clearing most of the mud from his

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