Happily Never After

Happily Never After by Bess George Page B

Book: Happily Never After by Bess George Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bess George
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vulnerable? He didn’t want a long term relationship. Hell, he didn’t even want short term. After everything she’d been through, she needed a man she could count on.
    The smart thing for him to do would be to extract himself from this situation as quick as possible. He had a job that he needed to get to. They both remained silent all the way to her room. She slid the key into the opening. Once she stepped inside, he followed before she could shut him out.
    “Before I go, I need to know that you’re okay.”
    She squared her shoulders. “I am, thank you for dinner.” Her terse voice let him know that she expected him to leave.
    He stared down at her. This night had corkscrewed into something unexpected, and he should get out of here before he suffered a lapse in good judgment. His next words surprised himself as much as they did her. “How about we go to dinner again sometime?”
    “I’m sorry. I promise, it’s not you, it’s me. I just don’t date cops. Ever.” Her eyes looked a bit wild. “Maybe we could just be friends?”
    His composure threatened to crack and he gave her a stiff nod. “Friends it is. Call me if you have any trouble. Take care of yourself, Princess.”
    She shut the door in his face. He forced himself to leave without looking back.

Chapter 7
    Billows of frosted air clouded his vision as Bode scrambled to dig raw fingers into a narrow crevice. This route was a local favorite of free climbers, but today they were the only ones around. The weather had been iffy when they left Redding but despite Steve’s objections Bode had insisted on continuing.
    When the department hired him, they partnered him with Steve Morrison. He was one of the few people who knew Bode’s history. Kelsey’s words still ping-ponged around his brain like corn in a popper. I don’t date cops.
    His arms screamed from holding his weight while his toes searched for a crack to rest in. A quick glance down showed his friend patiently watching. If he were to fall, Steve as the belayer would arrest the rope and stop his momentum. He took a deep breath and drank in the mountain air. This challenge was what he needed. The thrill of beating the climb, relying on your wits and strength.
    The gray soup of fog had started to dissipate, but a few wisps of moisture hindered his view of the very top. A rocky buttress forced him to work his way out over the lip. The altitude caused him to suck in gulps of much-needed oxygen. His biceps trembled as they hauled his body up step by step.
    He could see the summit now. The placement of his left foot landed on a patch of loose limestone, and he slid down the rough rock. The breath whooshed from him as the safety rope jerked tautly and stopped his fall. Dammit, pay attention before you break your fool neck.
    Swinging free, he reached out until he could jam an arm into a small crack and lock it into place. Breathing heavily, he moved his limbs back up the steep wall, stabbing his fingers and toes into every available crevice and weather pocket.
    He swung his leg to the side and up over the ledge at the top. Tired muscles screamed as he lie on his back panting. The sky had cleared, and blue filled his vision as the sun beat down on him. He groaned and rolled to his feet, setting up a secure anchor where he could belay his partner.
    Keeping his mind blank, he watched for the slightest misstep as his friend made the hard climb. When Steve reached the top, he stepped back and gave him room.
    The only sound was the wind as it whistled through the craggy mountains and their heavy breath as they recovered.
    Steve tilted his head sideways and scowled. “Are you . . . st-still pissed about me bea-beating you last week? Cause if you are, just shoot me and get it over with. It’d be-be more merciful.”
    He laughed at him. “Nah, a bullet’s too quick for someone as ornery as you.”
    They sat in silence for a few minutes. Steve spoke first. “Didn’t you have a date last night? I figured

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