Hard Candy Saga

Hard Candy Saga by Amaleka McCall Page B

Book: Hard Candy Saga by Amaleka McCall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amaleka McCall
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    â€œGirl, that nigga that just walked in the club like he is fuckin’ King Midas is Junior. He is Broady’s brother and a royal pain in the ass. He is the boss of all of this shit. But when he’s around, Broady acts different. Like real stupid and violent. It’s like he be tryin’ to impress Junior or something.” Shana’s voice trailed off like she was reminiscing on something painful.
    Candice continued to take in an eyeful of Junior and the man that made a move every time Junior moved. She needed to observe as much as possible, just like Uncle Rock had taught her to observe everything about her mark—even small things, like a twitch, limp, or left-handed versus right-handed.
    â€œWhen you say ‘the boss,’ what do you mean?” Candice asked innocently.
    â€œWell, I’m not supposed to talk about Broady’s business, but for some reason even though I just met you, I trust you, Candy.” Shana lowered her eyes and her voice. She leaned in closer and whispered, “I don’t really have too many friends, you know, because of Broady. Anyway, Junior is a drug boss, like a kingpin.” Her eyes darted around to make sure no one else could overhear her. “I heard he killed a bunch of niggas to get to the top and shit. He is ruthless, but he is very rich.”
    Just as Shana finished her sentence, they both jumped, startled by a small commotion at Broady’s table. Junior was slapping hands and hugging Broady. Then several members of Junior’s entourage did the same with Broady’s crew members. Candice couldn’t hear what Junior was saying over the music, but she made a mental note that the two brothers had a close relationship.
    â€œSee what I mean? Now I’m gonna get the fuckin’ wrath of Broady showing off, trying to impress his big brother tonight. Junior don’t want nobody to get close to Broady but him. I’m telling you, Candy, that nigga Junior is pure evil and fuckin’ crazy.” Shana took another glass to the head.
    Candice silently agreed. Shana’s statement was ironic. One time Candice’s father had said that same thing about her brother Eric Junior. Eric, always angry and unusually aggressive, had been the Hardaway family’s biggest secret. When he got old enough for Easy to start grooming him to take over, he would often get himself into trouble because of his temper. He was a great disappointment to his father and a constant source of frustration. Later in life, he’d been diagnosed as manic-depressive.
    Maybe the moniker Junior guarantees one to be fuckin’ evil, Candice thought .
    Candice and Shana watched as Junior went around the table smacking fives and chest bumping with Broady’s friends. She noticed them furtively passing small knots of cash under the table and one of Junior’s guys picking up the money. It was definitely clear who was the boss around there. Candice knew right away she was in the right place and had the right dudes. The information she had taken from Uncle Rock’s safe was correct—all of the major players did appear to congregate in this one place.
    â€œC’mon, we leavin’,” Broady barked at Shana, hovering over her like a giant ogre.
    Shana gave Candice a look of desperation that said, “Please come with me.” She stood up to leave with Broady.
    Just as they were about to step away, Junior and the man at his side the entire night approached. “Shana, you ain’t gon’ introduce me to your friend?” Junior asked, smiling at Candice.
    Junior looked different than the pictures Candice had of him. His complexion was much lighter than his mug shot photo. Junior and his brother were definitely like day and night, in terms of complexion. Junior had definitely aged over the past four years, the salt-and-pepper specks in his mustache and goatee indicating that much. He was also taller than Candice had

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