to hear the conversation. No doubt, Sophie was throwing him to the curb. He knew that she hated him by now. But he didn’t care. That wouldn’t make one bit of difference. He would grab Zoe and head back to Vegas. He had a nice little house in the rear of one of his high rolling buddies’ estate. It was just big enough for him and Zoe to make a life. He loved the thought of being a dad. He had to line up the lawyer that his friend had spoken with and tie up the loose ends as soon as he could. He didn’t want his money to run out before he could buy a ticket for him and Zoe to Vegas. Sophie wouldn’t know what hit her. He’d been planning this ever since she left. While he was outside watching, he saw Sasha coming out the front door. That meant that Sophie and Zoe were left alone. They would be in for a while so he could go get some breakfast and get back here to keep an eye on things. Sophie was busy feeding her sweet daughter her morning bottle. Zoe cooed as her mother rocked her softly. Her eyes looked up lovingly at her mom. It gave Sophie a warm feeling inside. After feeding her, she laid Zoe on the soft rug and took the bottle to the sink to rinse it out. At the kitchen window, she glanced out and saw a familiar face on the street corner. Willie! “Oh no! What should I do?” She thought. Her mind was frantic. Should she leave by a back stairway or just stay put. She decided she was somewhat safe in the apartment for the time being. She cautiously pulled the sheer curtain back to see if he was still there. He’d vanished. Where could he have gone? Her heart was racing but she didn’t want Zoe to sense her fear so she grabbed a cup of hot coffee and went back to the couch to think about what her next move should be. Zoe had fallen asleep so Sophie put her down in the crib Sasha had bought. Her sister was such a wonderful person; always helping those that needed assistance. It was sad that they had drifted apart for a bit. They used to be so close. This had brought them back together and that made Sophie feel good. Willie made his way down the street looking for a restaurant…a cheap restaurant. He needed to have some food and take time to think about his situation and how to lure Sophie out away from Zoe. The cops would be hot on his trail with a charge of kidnapping once he grabbed Zoe. His Vegas buddies would know how to go about this. They knew every scheme in the book. Many of them had scrapes with the law and some were even ex-cons. Rough guys but to him bosom-buddies! Sasha met Taffy later that morning at Starbucks and while they were talking a message popped up on Sasha’s phone. A name that sounded familiar was displayed as the caller, Nicholas Kincaid. “Now why does that name sound familiar?” Sasha thought. “Hello?” “Is this Sasha O’Neill?” Nicholas asked. “Yes.” She answered. “This is Nicholas Kincaid and you might remember me from a few of the ballroom dancing competitions that I participated in. Recently, I have received a bit of disturbing news that concerns you and your sister. I felt the need to warn you of some trouble that might be headed your way.” His voice speeded up. “If you are talking about my sister Sophie’s ex-hubby, Willie, I already know about him. He’s been tucked away supposedly out of sight on a darkened street corner opposite my apartment for a couple of days. To tell the truth I’ve been thinking about calling the police.” “It might be a good idea to at least have a patrol car drive by and see what the loser’s up to.” Nicholas wasn’t usually a crime fighter type guy. He preferred his confrontation to happen from the pulpit on Sunday mornings. “Do you remember a ballroom dancer by the name of Landon Mills? He’s the one that contacted me from Vegas. The arms of knowledge reach far and wide in “Sin City.” “That name sounds vaguely familiar. What’s he got to do with all of this?” Sasha’s curiosity was building. “He