“That he is, sir, that he is.”
“Hope he enjoys himself at the party.”
“Oh, I think he will.” Conner’s battered face remained blank, except for the shadow of a smile around his lips.
“Someone there he might like to get together with?” Pete asked, shooting the CPO a quizzing look.
“You could say that, sir, but that would be telling tales out of school, now wouldn’t it sir.” The XO chuckled.
“Wouldn’t want you to do that, Chief.” Together they walked inside and went back to work, and as the XO turned away, he never saw the broad smile on Conner’s face.
Mike’s only recourse was to settle back in his seat, and take a nap. Trying to get the Marine pilot to turn back proved fruitless, as the man kept tapping his headset and saying he had a communications problem. With a sigh, Mike closed his eyes and tried to relax as a thousand and one uncompleted problems marched through his head in a seemingly endless parade. He wasn’t the only one with a multitude of unresolved issues crowding in on him, and the Prime Minister looked up at his private secretary with a sour expression on his face.
“Every time I turn around, the bloody Navy comes up with another load of shit not to do what they are told.” He grouched.
“Yes, sir. It would seem so.” Gordon Atkins murmured.
“We have to get as many of those ships retired to the breakers yard as quickly as possible, and their crews on the beach.”
“Yes, sir. The First Space Lord is doing his best, but going too fast could cause more trouble than we need right now.”
“Yes, I know.” The PM sighed, eyeing his calendar. If the promises he’d received were to be believed, the clock was ticking. If he didn’t deliver what he’d promised, the question of his ‘advancement’ would be null and void.
“A rumor has come to our attention the Navy is building a new warship, sir.”
“How creditable are the rumors?” The PM asked, looking up sharply at his secretary.
“At the moment, nothing more than a whisper.”
“We’ve heard these stories before.”
“Yes, sir. The last time we managed to nip that little plan in the bud.”
“Yes, we can’t have the Royal Navy building new warships without the Government approval, now can we.” He smiled slightly thinking of the last time the Royal Navy tried that when he was just a lowly MP.
“No, sir. Wantonly spending public fund without prior approval of His Majesties Government is a serious matter and should be looked into immediately.”
“Yes, good idea. Get in touch with the Inspector General’s office and have them put someone on investigating this rumor. Do we know where this ship is being built?”
“Not yet, Mr. Prime Minister, but if it exists, we’ll find it, even if we have to search every shipyard on Earth, and in orbit.
“And if he or she should find something?”
“Then he, or she, has the authority to shut the project down and arrest anyone involved.”
“Including Naval Personnel?”
“Hell yes. Throw them in jail for a while, or better still, go up the chain of command and prosecute anyone, and everyone involved.” The PM snapped. “Let's show those arrogant bastards just who the hell they are fucking with.” The PM’s beefy face took on a reddish hue as he let his emotions get away with him, something he didn’t usually let happen. He was an old political combatant and knew the value of holding onto his temper in the political arena.
This being his third term in office, he’d managed through a variety of dirty tricks to gut the loyal opposition to the point it was nothing but a shadow of its former glory. Through a constant winnowing of his own party, he’d ensured his continued leadership by eliminating anyone who posed a threat to his position.
Shanna Swendson
Jessica Verday
J.D. Rhoades
Franklin W. Dixon
Tina Robbins
Kate Klimo
Luke; Short
Georgina Devon Nicola Cornick Diane Gaston
Jeff Buick
Thomas A Watson