Healing the Boss's Heart

Healing the Boss's Heart by Valerie Hansen Page A

Book: Healing the Boss's Heart by Valerie Hansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Valerie Hansen
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Religious
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involved in town festivities.”
    “But you came to that celebration, didn’t you?” Now that she thought about it, she didn’t recall having seen him around much. Of course, she was younger than her boss so they would have traveled in different social circles. And speaking of society, she was also not in the same league as the Garrisons. Not even close. None of the Logans were. That was the way it had been almost since the time of the community’s founding and nothing had changed much in recent times.
    “I went away to boarding school the semester after my mother died,” he explained.
    “Didn’t you come home for the holidays?”
    “Not if I could help it,” he said flatly. “Enough about my childhood. Let’s drop off your stuff and head for the church. I’m sure they need all the volunteers they can get.”
    As she followed him out the apartment door and down the stairs, she had to wonder about his early life. Had it really been as lonely as his tone had made it sound? She supposed it could have been. After all, having a rich father was no sure sign of happiness. If she’d learned anything by being a single parent, it was that as long as she provided for her daughter’s basic needs and also loved her with all her heart, the child would thrive.
    It would have been nice to be able to give Layla more extras, but this storm would have stolen most of them anyway. Thanks to the tornado, folks were going to have to pull together, to help each other, to share what little they had left with those less fortunate. In a way, that was not such a bad thing.
    Greg was the first one out the door on the ground floor. He went straight to the fireman, got his attention and pointed across to the hardware store and adjoining lumber yard.
    “I told my people to let folks get whatever they need from the store and that goes for police and fire, too,” Greg said. “Your departments can just help themselves. I’ll be at the community church if you have any questions or need me for anything.”
    “Gotcha. Thanks, man.”
    “Glad to help,” Greg answered emphatically.
    Maya was waiting for him at the curb. “I heard what you said. That was very nice of you.”
    “Thanks. The only thing I can’t understand is why you keep acting so surprised. You had me pegged as a real ogre, didn’t you?”
    “I wouldn’t go that far. Actually, I hardly know you.”
    “That’s right. You don’t.” Greg hadn’t meant to sound so gruff, but he was getting pretty tired of being treated as if he were the world’s biggest miser. He didn’t mind if his father carried that negative reputation but he wasn’t like Dan. Not in the least. Sure, he was a savvy businessman. There was nothing wrong with that, as long as he was honest and didn’t take unfair advantage of anyone.
    As they passed the High Plains Bank and Trust, which had been founded by his and Michael’s great-grandfather, he was relieved to note minimal damage. That was also true of the new town hall that sat between Second and Third Streets. Some of thehardiest citizens were beginning to congregate there, too.
    The General Store, on across Third, hadn’t been so fortunate. Neither had Grocery Town next door to it. Apparently, the tornado had hopped, skipped and danced through the business district just as it had the nearby neighborhoods, leveling some buildings and totally missing others.
    He paused long enough to inquire if the professional rescuers working in the grocery store needed his help, then rejoined Maya and Layla. “They’ve got a handle on it. They say there were some minor injuries but nothing severe, as far as they can tell. The shoppers and employees ducked into the walk-in coolers in the back of the market to ride it out.”
    “That was smart.”
    “Very. I also asked about the beauty parlor.” He pointed to a shattered front window and partially collapsed facade. “They all got out in one piece, too.”
    Maya arched her eyebrows. “Phew. To look at

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