Heaven and Hell

Heaven and Hell by Kenneth Zeigler Page A

Book: Heaven and Hell by Kenneth Zeigler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kenneth Zeigler
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Religious, Christian
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reference. It was obviously much wider than the 10- or 12-foot portal he had entered just a minute ago. Perhaps it was a dozen miles across, maybe even wider than that. There was so much to take in.
    He was in motion, of that much he was certain. He was being carried along by some sort of ethereal wind. He could feel it blowing around him. It was not unlike an earthly wind; yet, it was so much more. It was refreshing, even invigorating, and it seemed somehow alive. It was a crazy thought, but that was his impression of it; a living wind, the breath of God. He was like a sailing ship, carried by steady unerring breezes, to a distant and exotic port. What would that port, that final destination, be like? And how long would the journey take? He could only guess. He figured he had the time to spare.
    Beyond the wind, there was no physical sense of acceleration or movement. Still, he was moving toward the light. He had no problem with that. Minutes passed and Chris settled in for the voyage, much as any passenger might do on a long trip. The light at the end of the tunnel was becoming brighter, even as the clouds around him were transformed from gray to white.
    Looking at his hand, he discovered that he could see straight through it to the clouds beyond. “Weird,” he whispered, though he quickly realized that he could not hear his voice. No, he heard it only within his mind.
This is so cool
, he thought.
    For a time, he didn’t know how long, he was transformed into a state of pure spirit, free from the limitations of any physical form. In this state of being, he felt indeed close to God. As far as he was concerned, he could have remained in this state forever.
    Then, all too soon, physical reality returned. It materialized all around him in the form of a great white antechamber of glistening grandeur. Towering marble columns supported a ceiling of dazzling light, and beyond that, a soft white billowing mist extended as far as the eye could see. There was music too, the most wonderful music he had ever heard. It seemed to be coming from everywhere. Was it real, or was the music simply a manifestation that existed within his mind? He could not say for sure.
    Then he beheld something more awe-inspiring than the architecture, more beautiful than the music. A man in a long white robe stood about 20 feet in front of him. Chris realized that this was the man he had seen at the end of the tunnel, the great luminary who radiated not only light but love. There had been no formal introduction, no band of angels gathered about Him, yet Chris knew Him from the instant he first saw Him. This man was Jesus. It should have been no great surprise; after all, He was the light of the world, and the light at the end of it.
    He had the appearance of a man in His mid-30s, handsome and solidly built, with light brown hair and a well-trimmed beard. Even now, His form was practically radiant, yet it was His deep blue eyes that caught Chris’s attention. They were so kind, so very deep, they seemed to gaze into the very depths of Chris’s soul. His face held a loving smile as He looked at Chris. He stretched out His hands, revealing barely discernable scars on both wrists.
    “Welcome home, Chris.”
    Tears of joy welled up in Chris’s eyes as he stepped forward to embrace his Savior. After a moment, Jesus spoke again. “Chris, I need you to be of stout heart, for your trial is at hand. Like all men, you must stand before God to be judged.”
    For a moment, Chris was fearful. He was not proud of everything he had done during the course of his life. How could he possibly stand before God?
    “Don’t be afraid,” Jesus said, His tone and smile reassuring. “I bore the penalty for your sins already, your debt is paid, remember?” Jesus took Chris’s hand in His. “I know you Chris, better than you realize. For years you have placed your faith in me, placed your hand in mine, even as I now place mine in yours. Place your faith in me now, and lay

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