Her Dragon's Soul (Dragon Guard Series Book 9)

Her Dragon's Soul (Dragon Guard Series Book 9) by Julia Mills Page B

Book: Her Dragon's Soul (Dragon Guard Series Book 9) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
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fingertips to hers.
    Rian began again, “The Purple Dragons are warriors who
represent devotion and royalty. It is the purple dragons who first took the
throne of power from those that would’ve seen us destroyed, even before man
walked the Earth. The Universe shows favor on her purple-scaled warriors as
they delivered her chosen ones from certain death. They symbolize extreme
passion from the red side of their nature, which is balanced by the reason from
their blue-scaled ancestors. They use those characteristics to protect all they
hold dear and dole out justice fairly with unwavering commitment. Their love
never tires, but instead, grows stronger with each passing year. To mate a
Purple Dragon means to accept all that they are and honor the power shared
between mates.
    “Now is the time of the marking. May the Universe continue
to bless you and yours all of your days here and in the Heavens.” She knew the
Elders were leaving by the boot strikes on the wood of the gazebo, but she
couldn’t look away from her mate and assumed the other Guardsmen had followed.
    Hannah had no idea how long they stood ensnared in one
another’s gaze before Liam pulled her the last few inches to him. He lowered
his head and stopped right before his lips touched hers. His breath tingled on
her lips as he whispered, “ Ta’ mo chroi istigh ionat ,” before closing
the scant distance between them. The first brush of his lips touched every cell
of her body. A heat unlike any she’d known consumed her from the inside out,
laying her open, heart and soul, to her mate.
    One perfect moment in all of time, just for us.
    A sharp pain on the left side of her neck caused her to
flinch and try to pull away. Liam left her lips, taking a moment to look into
her eyes before trailing kisses across the sensitive skin of her neck until he
reached the tender spot. He licked and sucked until all thoughts of anything
but their bodies loving one another were banished from her mind. Her fingers
wound through his hair, pulling him closer as he continued to lavish her neck
and shoulders, making spontaneous combustion imminent. Pulling his mouth to
hers, Liam leaned back just as her lips would’ve met his and winked, denying
her what she desperately wanted.
    “Are you trying to kill me?” she asked, using their
mindspeak for the first time.
    Liam threw back his head. Hannah saw a mark on his neck she
knew hadn’t been there before as he laughed his marvelous booming laugh, making
her tingle all over. She reached up, touching the brand that resembled a flame
with a scale in the center. As she ran the tip of her index finger over the
mark, Liam growled low in his throat. His fingers then found the spot on her
neck where she’d felt pain just a few minutes before. Intense arousal flooded
her body. Hannah was sure she would lose consciousness from just his fingertips
on her mating mark. As she looked into his eyes, he nodded, “Yes, mo chroi’ ,
they match, and if we don’t stop touching them, there will be no
stopping us.” He wiggled his eyebrows as she removed her hand from his neck.
    “Now you stand right there. I have something I want to show
    He winked as he backed away, leaving Hannah to imagine what
he was up to. Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait long before the feel of
magic, like a million butterfly kisses, touched every exposed inch of her skin.
She watched as the man who held her heart turned into an amazing purple dragon
right before her eyes.
    “Come on over. I won’t bite…much,” Liam teased.
    “You better not breathe fire or anything else that might
mess up my dress.” She chuckled and then laughed aloud when she realized the
weird, almost hacking noise she heard was Liam laughing in his dragon form.
    The front of his snout and nostrils were black and led to
numerous peaks and valleys, displaying every imaginable hue of purple scales
running from his nostrils to his eyes. Hannah marveled at all the different
patterns his

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