Her Fictional Fling: Scandals in Scotland Contemporary Romance Series Book 1
what was the deal now?
    She looked away from the blur of the shamefully low number of words she’d managed to choke out over the past few hours, pulling off her glasses to rub her tired eyes. Maybe she just needed a fresh cup of coffee and a break. She opened up a packet of coffee and threw it into the small coffee maker to brew. It took only seconds for a tiny cup to pour out—far less time than she needed. She knew she ought to go down to the lobby for breakfast, but there was still a chance she might run into one of the journalists who’d been at the cast party the night before. Fresh humiliation flooded through her at the thought. She’d have to settle for this mud-like stuff instead.
    She padded back to the dreaded laptop, which sat staring at her like a mountain she needed to scale before she’d have any peace. Knowing full well that the Internet was her worst enemy at that particular moment, Andi opened a browser. It wasn’t like she was getting any work done anyway, so what was the harm in checking her email and possibly updating her Facebook page. Maybe she’d even look up a place to grab a bite to eat, somewhere new where she could plug in and get some work done. Though that would mean the unfortunate task of trading her favorite worn sweatshirt and pajama bottoms for actual clothes.
    As she clicked open her email, her eyes widened at a name that stood out among all the others. She grabbed for her glasses, certain she wasn’t reading it accurately.
    Nope. It was correct, all right.
    Colin Walker had sent a note to her personal email account.
    Andi coughed and sprayed coffee over her computer. Only one person could be at fault for this, but she would deal with Lily later. She set her cup down, grabbing a napkin to wipe her screen. Right now, she had to face whatever it was that the actor had to say after she’d freaked and snuck out of his condo like a coward.
    She closed both eyes and tilted her head away from the screen, then turned back fast. Slowly, she opened only one eye and dared another peek.
    Damn. The message was still there.
    She recalled a time when she’d sent an email to a new gym in her neighborhood, asking about signing up for one of their offered bootcamp classes. An instructor had emailed her back with great enthusiasm to see if she’d like to schedule a session. Andi, in typical Andi fashion, had chickened out and deleted the email without responding. She’d only felt a tiny bit guilty when he’d tried once more, and she’d deleted the trainer’s second attempt. After that, he seemed to have gotten the message. With Colin, she was one hundred percent sure he would not respond by backing away.
    But why? The question still bothered her, even after his explanation. She was a total stranger, so why was he contacting her after the disastrous couple of hours she’d spent with him. Did he enjoy getting turned on and then not being able to do anything about it? Andi sure didn’t. She’d gone home desperately wishing she could redo the whole night. Did he feel the same way?
    There was only one way to find out.
    Just click the stupid subject line already. Might as well rip off the bandage.
    Andi scrolled her mouse over Colin’s email and finally, with a deep breath, clicked it open.
    I trust this message finds you well. I don’t know what happened last night, and that’s okay, but I do know that I’d like to spend more time with you. You and I could both benefit from the arrangement I have in mind. Also, I discovered something that you left at my condo, and I’d like to return it to you. You’re to meet me in on set this morning at eleven. Transportation has been arranged.
    Where to begin? Andi’s website listed Lily as her agent, so she guessed that he’d contacted Lily, and she could bet her best friend had been all too pleased to pass along her email address.
    Andi sighed.
    Lily was just trying to help out. She knew as well as Andi that it wasn’t just her

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