Her Irresistible Troublemaker (A Town Named Eden Book 3)

Her Irresistible Troublemaker (A Town Named Eden Book 3) by Sonia Parin Page B

Book: Her Irresistible Troublemaker (A Town Named Eden Book 3) by Sonia Parin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sonia Parin
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only just met.”
    He shrugged. “Is there a rule I don’t know about banning people from spending time together because they’ve only just met?”
    “I doubt it since society seems to have done away with all forms of etiquette, rules... boundaries—” She gestured with her hands, which probably made her look as flustered as she felt. “I’m sure that once upon a time we wouldn’t have been allowed to talk unless we’d been properly introduced and even then, it would have been deemed inappropriate to be in your company unless properly chaperoned.” Lexie’s heart pounded against her chest. What had all that blabbering like an idiot been about? She needed to stop, right now, and say something to throw him off, preferably something intelligent.
    “There’ll be beer and popcorn.”
    He was serious. And she hadn’t put him off with all her mindless dribble.
    “I have a super large screen TV and air-conditioning,” he added.
    “You’re making it impossible for me to say no.”
    “You can tell your friends you went out on a date. Get them off your back.”
    Lexie had the strangest feeling she was being cornered into admitting she really wanted to say yes to the movie and to spending more time with Jack Riley and to kicking back and relaxing around him and…
    It wouldn’t be a date.
    He’d only asked her because he knew she didn’t have the slightest interest in becoming involved.
    “You don’t have to make an effort and dress for the occasion. Wear whatever you throw on when you’re home.”
    Well, he’d sorted that one out quick smart, driving the nail straight home. If he didn’t care what she looked like or what she wore, then… he didn’t care. And it most definitely wouldn’t be a date without at least seventy-two hours notice. She’d read that somewhere.
    Lexie gave her bottom lip a light tug. If she said yes, she’d be crossing a defining line. From being acquainted and sharing a brief history of grumbling over his building to putting behind their conflict and jumping straight into…
    She had no idea what to call it.
    They weren’t friends but maybe he wanted to become friends and that would be a novelty for her because she hadn’t had a male friend since she’d moved away from the small country town where she’d grown up.
    “Do you have some sort of hidden agenda I’m not aware of?” she asked. “I know asking doesn’t make sense because if you did, then you wouldn’t tell me.”
    His eyes darted over to his brother and back to her. “Remember what you were complaining about last night?” Dating, he mouthed.
    He wanted to get his brother off his back?
    “Of course, if you’re still feeling ornery about the building I’ve forced you to live with, I’ll completely understand you not wanting to spend any time with me.”
    “I have been hard done by,” she mused out loud.
    “Can you think of a way for me to make it up to you, besides tearing down the building?”
    “Throw in some pizza and I’ll consider it.” She had enjoyed the time she’d spent with him the previous night. But how would she feel about going to his house? That would be a huge leap. Maybe she should suggest a public place.
    Now she couldn’t say no and she’d sound stupid if she suggested meeting some place where she could feel immune to the sort of temptation Lulu McGee thrived on.
    He laughed. “You made me work really hard for that.”
    “Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work,” she said hoping he wouldn’t ask where the quote came from.
    “More reason for me to look forward to tonight. I’ll text you my address.” Smiling, he rose to his feet. “I should get going and my brother has a wedding to get to. So I’ll see you tonight.”
    Lexie kept her eyes glued to him until he disappeared from sight, then she turned to Ava. “I’ve no idea how that happened, but I’ve just agreed to spend the evening with Jack and if this blows up in

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