Her Mistletoe Wish
washing the grime of yesterday away before popping over to Mackenzie’s to borrow some clean clothes. She was glad he’d mentioned that he’d use the en suite because even thinking about standing naked beneath Flynn’s shower, with him in the same house, made her feel all flushed with self-consciousness. Perhaps it would be better to just go to Mackenzie’s and shower there.
    After eating half of her pancake and enjoying her coffee, she was about to tell him of her plans when he beat her to it.
    ‘I need to dash to the shops before we head to the hospital so why don’t you make free use of the place? Wash away all the bad things that happened yesterday and reconnect with your usual optimistic self?’ Hesmiled encouragingly as he said the words. ‘Oh, and I contacted Mackenzie last night and she’s brought over some clothes for you. They’re in the drawers and the cupboard in the spare room—or
room as it now is.’
    ‘You…contacted Macken—’ She stopped and shook her head, unable to believe how thoughtful he’d been. ‘It would have been very late.’
    ‘Your friends love you, Reg.’ He spoke softly and with sincerity. ‘They don’t care what time of day or night it is, they’re there for you. That type of friendship is rare and incredibly special.’ He looked down at his plate for a moment before meeting her gaze once more. ‘Only a fool would throw away such a thing.’
    His words were slightly pointed and she wondered whether he was calling himself a fool. Was he admitting that he’d made a mistake all those years ago? Was he saying he wanted to reinstate himself into her friendship circle? Was he a friend who…loved her?
    Reggie found it difficult to look away. There, seated opposite her, was the man who had always been in perfect control. He’d been immaculately groomed and dressed from the first day they’d met in Sint Maarten. Being raised in a wealthy, controlled environment where most decisions had been pre-set for him had been something he hadn’t even thought of rebelling against until he’d met her. He’d told her she’d liberated him, shown him a different side to life, and that his love was hers forever. And she’d stupidly believed him. She should be wary not to make the same mistakes twice.
    She tried to swallow but found her throat exceedingly dry. Reaching for her orange juice, she was surprised to find her hand trembling a little. Still, drinking the cool, refreshing liquid helped to break the intense moment.
    ‘Had enough?’ he asked, pointing to her plate and breaking the moment. She nodded quickly, not trusting her voice to work. Flynn stood and quickly cleared the table. She watched him for a few minutes as he moved comfortably around the kitchen. He had such swift and defined movements, those broad shoulders of his looking firm and in control, the material from his crisp, white shirt pulling tautly across his triceps.
    Reggie breathed out slowly, her gaze hungrily taking in every nuance of the man. She swallowed and cleared her throat, and when he looked her way, she realised she quickly looked away. ‘Er…’ She racked her sluggish mind for something to say. ‘Breakfast was delicious. Whoever taught you to cook did a good job.’
    ‘That would have been my cooking teacher at the community centre.’ His tone dipped a little as he spoke, his eyebrows raised in silent question, his eyes letting her know he’d been well aware of her visual caresses.
    Reggie frowned and looked away. ‘Not your wife?’
    ‘My ex-wife,’ he replied pointedly, then shook his head. ‘She had no idea how to cook either. One of my patients put me onto the class and the next thing I knew I was learning how to make a beef Wellington.’
    ‘You can do a beef Wellington? I can’t even do that.’
    He grinned. ‘Then I shall have to make you one.’ He gave the countertops a final wipe. ‘Perhaps there are quite a few things you don’t realise about me.’ Like how he was

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