Heroin Love

Heroin Love by I.M. Hunter Page B

Book: Heroin Love by I.M. Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: I.M. Hunter
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her this now, it should pep her right back up." He explained while handing me a needle that was filled with a murky substance. "That's twenty-five hundred,bro." He demanded payment from me. Not knowing what drugs cost or how much he gave me I just handed him what he wanted.
    "Here Rachael, Pete said to take this now." I reached my hand out to give her the syringe.
    "You have to do it for me, I can't. I am too sick. Just shoot it in my veins." She instructed as if I knew how to find the veins.
    I took my black leather belt off, tied it around her arm, and started to smack the fold in her arms. I felt like a nurse trying to get blood out of a patient, only it was drugs. After a few seconds of smacking a vein revealed itself in her arm. I leaned in and stuck the needle into the vein and squeezed whatever was in that syringe into Rachael's arm.
    "How is that?" I asked in a concerning manner.
    A couple of seconds went by and she muttered "Much better." I see her eyes roll into the back of her head and she falls into a coma like state.
    A rush of regret came over me.
    ‘What have I done? What did I get myself into?’
    I sat in the driver seat staring into the parking lot and began weighing my options. I could bring her back home to her uncle and just disappear but she she knows where I live. I could try to fix her, put her in a rehab. We shared such a connection, she brings me back to life. I don't want this to end. I looked over to the passenger seat where I laid the bag I bought from Pete.
    Hesitantly I decided to unroll the contents, it rolled out like a surgeon's kit. It contained several needles, a bag of a grayish colored substance which I assumed was heroin, and 3 unmarked pill bottles. These where not normal pill bottles, they where the size of a soda can. I investigated a little further and looked inside the pill bottles, a yellow elliptical pill said 'Percocet', the other was a white bar with cuts through it and said 'Xanax' on one side. The third was not so straight forward it was a circular blood red pill, it just looked dangerous. It simply listed 'OC' on one side and '60' on the other. I opened the bag that contained the grayish colored substance, and when I did, an overwhelming smell of vinegar filled the air around me. Choking from the potent smell I closed it all back up and stuffed it under my seat and rolled my windows down to air the truck out. I looked in the backseat of the truck to still find Rachael knocked out. 
    I gave her a few taps on her chest, "Hey," no response. A few more taps, "Rachael," still no response, she was out cold. Lost, I had no idea what to do with her. I decided to drive her home, I was sure David would know what to do with her.
    I knocked on her door while holding her sleeping in my arms.
    David opens the door "What did you do to her?!" He screams at me while ripping her out of my hands, placing her down on the couch next to the door.
    "I didn't do anything. She said she was getting sick and needed heroin. She gave me Pete's number and I did what he said." I responded with a matter of fact tone. "Here take this shit too. I don't even know what to do with this." I handed David the roll of drugs I bought from Pete.
    David opens the roll and I see his eye's light up like he just won the lottery. He throws it onto the couch and directs me out of the door and steps outside with me.
    "Listen buddy." He continued to explain, "She has had a rough childhood and just hasn't found a way out of this life. She found her dad dead with a needle sticking out of his arm, and it has been downhill ever since. You are probably the best thing to happen to her yet, and will be the best thing ever for her."
    I looked at him in a perplex manner, not sure what his game was. "And what's your story?" I curiously asked.
    His smart ass remark was simply "I'm just a drugger."
    Not even entertaining his statement, "Just have her call me when she wakes up." And I walked back into my truck.
    Sitting at home, by

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