whimper rose in her throat,
    “I’m sorry, Cat,” Tobias said. “I failed you as I failed Seraphina.”
    The older man yanked her by the hair, making her scream. Her scalp burned as she sprawled backward on the floor. Tobias bellowed his fury as he struggled to stand, but failed. Her heart wrenched itself from her soul as she realized with despair he was weakening.
    “Don’t touch her, you bastard. I’ll kill you,” he roared.
    “Tobias!” Cat scrambled to her knees. She knew what she had to do and the thought scared the Hell out of her. She looked up at the two men, her tone pleading. “Please, let me hug him one last time. Please, before…before you kill us.”
    “It cannot end like this,” Tobias said, his voice growing faint as he slumped back down to the ground. His expression filled with anguish as he raised his dark gaze to hers. “Run, dammit!”
    She gave the younger man another pleading look. She wasn’t going to give up. “Please. Let…let me hug him.”
    The young man spat on the floor. “Go ahead, bitch. Have your last embrace.”
    “John, are you crazy?” the older man said roughly. “You know what the Elder said. Kill them swiftly and quickly. He wants no mistakes this time.”
    The young man spat again. “I will kill them swiftly and quickly, and then we’ll haul their bodies onto the lake and let the ice break and their vile corpses will disappear forever.”
    “You’ll pay for this,” Tobias ground out. “I swear, you’ll pay for this.”
    While this verbal exchange was going, a powerful stab of emotion pierced Cat’s soul. She had to save him, her beautiful, sexy, vampire lover. He’d said he made her pregnant. Was there a baby growing inside her? She placed her faith in him and imagined an innocent, helpless life in her womb. A fire raged through her veins, giving her newfound courage and strength. She clenched her fist so tight, her nails drew blood.
    Only one thing mattered, to save Tobias and their child.
    First, she had to stay calm.
    “Do it, now, bitch. I can’t wait forever,” the young man yelled.
    Gritting her teeth, she slid back to Tobias and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She brought her mouth up to his ear and whispered, “Turn me. Now! ”
    He immediately stiffened. He drew back slowly and looked deep into her unwavering gaze. She sensed his indecision, his shock, his hope. Her resolve strengthened and she pursed her lips, willing him with her eyes to trust her. His eyes flickered and she knew in that moment he saw all the determination and certainty he needed to see. With one swift move, he turned his head into her neck and broke her skin.
    The impact shocked her nerve endings, and she stifled the scream that rose in her throat. Pain and pleasure coursed through her veins. His life force bonded with hers and a blissful pain raced through her veins, her limbs, her bones. Her body was on fire. Her breathing quickened, her heart pounded, and power pulsed through every fiber of her being. Tobias slowly withdrew and Cat exhaled the breath she had been holding. It was done.
    Courage replaced fear. Strength replaced weakness. Conviction replaced doubt. Her heightened senses made her feel something else as well, something that made her mind reel with mind-blowing awareness.
    The baby, the seed of new life growing in her womb—the knowledge staggered her. Choking back a sob, she captured Tobias’s face in both her hands and stared deeply into his eyes.
    “Thank you,” she whispered huskily, planting a firm kiss on his mouth.
    In a flash, Cat sprang to her feet, turned to the men, and leapt in the air. With her newfound strength and speed, she disarmed them and tossed them against the wall. The older man let out a terrified scream while the young man crouched back in fear.
    She stood before them, her hands on her waist. “Not so tough now are you?” she asked. “Trying to kill someone is against the law, or doesn’t the law apply to the

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