High Citadel / Landslide

High Citadel / Landslide by Desmond Bagley Page B

Book: High Citadel / Landslide by Desmond Bagley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desmond Bagley
Tags: Fiction
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needed all his breath for the job. Things weren’t that much better.
    Forester suddenly stopped and O’Hara thankfully laid down the stretcher. His legs felt rubbery and the breath rasped in his throat. He grinned at Forester, who was beating his hands against his chest. ‘Never mind,’ he said. ‘It should be warmer down in the valley.’
    Forester blew on his fingers. ‘I hope so.’ He looked up at O’Hara. ‘You’re a pretty good pilot,’ he said. ‘I’ve done some flying in my time, but I don’t think I could do what you did yesterday.’
    ‘You might if you had a pistol at your head,’ said O’Hara with a grimace. ‘Anyway, I couldn’t leave it to Grivas—he’d have killed the lot of us, starting with me first.’
    He looked past Forester and saw Rohde coming back up the road at a stumbling run, his gun in his hand. ‘Something’s happening.’
    He went forward to meet Rohde, who gasped, his chest heaving. ‘There are huts here—I had forgotten them.’
    O’Hara looked at the gun. ‘Do you need that?’
    Rohde gave a stark smile. ‘It is possible, señor.’ He waved casually down the road with the pistol. ‘I think we should be careful. I think we should look first before doing anything. You, me, and Señor Forester.’
    ‘I think so too,’ said Forester. ‘Grivas said his pals would be around and this seems a likely place to meet them.’
    ‘All right,’ said O’Hara, and looked about. There was no cover on the road but there was a jumble of rocks a little way back. ‘I think everyone else had better stick behind that lot,’ he said. ‘If anything does break, there’s no point in being caught in the open.’
    They went back to shelter behind the rocks and O’Hara told everyone what was happening. He ended by saying, ‘If there’s shooting you don’t do a damned thing—you freeze and stay put. Now I know we’re not an army but we’relikely to come under fire all the same—so I’m naming Doctor Willis as second-in-command. If anything happens to us you take your orders from him.’ Willis nodded.
    Aguillar’s niece was talking to Rohde, and as O’Hara went to join Forester she touched him on the arm. ‘Señor.’
    He looked down at her. ‘Yes, señorita.’
    ‘Please be careful, you and Señor Forester. I would not want anything to happen to you because of us.’
    ‘I’ll be careful,’ said O’Hara. ‘Tell me, is your name the same as your uncle’s?’
    ‘I am Benedetta Aguillar,’ she said.
    He nodded. ‘I’m Tim O’Hara. I’ll be careful.’
    He joined the other two and they walked down the road to the bend. Rohde said, ‘These huts were where the miners lived. This is just about as high as a man can live permanently—a man who is acclimatized such as our mountain indios. I think we should leave the road here and approach from the side. If Grivas did have friends, here is where we will find them.’
    They took to the mountainside and came upon the camp from the top. A level place had been roughly bulldozed out of the side of the mountain and there were about a dozen timber-built huts, very much like the huts by the airstrip.
    ‘This is no good,’ said Forester. ‘We’ll have to go over this miniature cliff before we can get at them.’
    ‘There’s no smoke,’ O’Hara pointed out.
    ‘Maybe that means something—maybe it doesn’t,’ said Forester. ‘I think that Rohde and I will go round and come up from the bottom. If anything happens, maybe you can cause a diversion from up here.’
    ‘What do I do?’ asked O’Hara. ‘Throw stones?’
    Forester shook with silent laughter. He pointed down the slope to beyond the camp. ‘We’ll come out about there. You can see us from here but we’ll be out of sight of anyone inthe camp. If all’s clear you can give us the signal to come up.’ He looked at Rohde, who nodded.
    Forester and Rohde left quietly and O’Hara lay on his belly, looking down at the camp. He did not think there was anyone

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