Highland Belle

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Book: Highland Belle by Patricia Grasso Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Grasso
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grand and glorious history of the MacArthur clan?
    Brigette smiled and shook her head.
    In olden times, he began, the MacArthurs were Scotlands premier family — second only to the royal Stewarts — and chiefs of what is now called clan Campbell. However, through a series of bitter reversals durin the past two hundred years, the MacArthurs are not now clan chiefs, but we still retain our earldom and the special privileges bestowed upon our family so long ago.
    What privileges?
    A long, long time ago, Iain warmed to his subject, and the hand resting upon Brigettes shoulder began a slow caress, King Malcolm conferred special privileges upon the MacArthur and his posterity. On any occasion when the royal standard is unfurled, the MacArthurs lead the Scottish army.
    To be first in battle doesnt seem like a privilege to me.
    It isna if yer a coward, Iain replied, pressing an affectionate kiss on her forehead, or a woman, but the MacArthurs have long been known for their bravery. There are other privileges, though. Whenever a king or queen is crowned, the MacArthur, now the Earl of Dunridge, places the crown upon the anointed head. When Queen Mary was a baby, my father placed the crown upon her head.
    Really? Brigette was impressed.
    The Earl of Dunridge, he continued, retains the privilege to sit without permission in the presence of Scottish royalty. Whenever a new monarch is crowned, the earl exercises this privilege, lest the royal Stewarts forget. Its now somethin of a joke among the noble Scots and Highland chiefs.
    Well, as I said, whenever a new king or queen is crowned, the verra first thin the MacArthur does is sit in his or her presence; and whenever there is a new Earl of Dunridge, the verra first thin he does is attend the court to sit in the royal presence.
    Brigette giggled, then asked, If the MacArthurs were once clan chiefs, why are they not now?
    We are the original stock of the mighty clan Campbell, Iain answered. Ye might say the Duke of Argylls ancestors were my ancestors puir relations. John MacArthur, a verra great mon and the leader of a thousand warriors, was the clan chief durin the reign of James the first. Although John was the kings mon and lived his life accordin to the MacArthur motto, Faithful in Action, he was much too powerful to suit the jealous King James.
    What happened?
    The king ordered him beheaded, and the chieftainship of the clan passed to the Campbell side of the family.
    Sitting so close that their bodies touched, Brigette turned her head to look at him. Without forethought, she pressed a light kiss on his cheek.
    Iain stared into incredible eyes of green, which glowed with love for him. Through an emotion-constricted throat, he vowed, I love ye, lass. His lips covered hers, pouring all the love his heart contained into that single, stirring kiss. Like a flower opening to the radiant sun and basking in its warmth, Brigette returned the kiss in kind, and then some.
    They fell back to the rug. Iain sprinkled kisses upon Brigettes eyelids, temples, nose, and throat. With his lips hovering above hers, he whispered, Open yer eyes, sweet. When she obeyed, he asked, Can ye return my love?
    I do love you.
    Gently, Iain kissed her again, then unwrapped the blanket, baring her flawless body. He smiled with tenderness when she blushed. Yer verra bonnie, my lady. Iain pulled the plaid from his own body, and his lips swooped down to capture hers.
    His hands roamed freely, reveled in the silky texture of his wifes skin. He caressed her breasts, teasing their pink-tipped peaks to aroused hardness. Brigette, feeling a throbbing heat ignite between her thighs, squirmed with desire. When Iain lowered his head to her breasts, licking and nursing upon their sensitive nipples, Brigettes breath caught raggedly in her throat.
    Iains hand slid lower to caress her wildly fluttering stomach, then dipped to the enticing slit between her thighs. Brigette tensed.
    Relax, hinny, he whispered hoarsely,

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