His Forever Valentine
warming up.”
    His father looked him over a second time. “What’s the matter, you sound like someone died.”
    Matthew waved a hand toward the mercantile. “Oh, it’s nothing. Just needed some air, that’s all.”
    “You’re still a rotten liar, son.  You never did have a poker face.”
    “Well, if you must know,” Matthew said, put both hands to his head, and pulled on his hair. “Mother … ordered me a mail order bride.”
    “Oh. Yes, that. She’s here already, I take it?”
    Matthew nodded.
    “Your ma and I only want what’s best for you, Matt, and you know there aren’t any womenfolk of marrying age around here. It could be years before any your age come to town, and after seeing how well it worked out for Leona’s boys … ”
    “I know, I know. You thought it would work out for me.” He looked at his father, and let go a weary sigh. “I wish you would have waited, let me handle the details. I would have gotten around to a t least thinking about marriage, and you forget, there are women in this town ready for marrying.”
    “Abbey Davis is taken, there is no one else,” his father stated in a calm voice.
    “There’s her sister, Charlotte …”
    “Charlotte Davis! Matthew, have you gone plumb loco?  Charlotte Davis,” he shook his head followed by a few tsk, tsk, tsks. “You’re not getting any younger, Matt. And your ma keeps talking about grand children ...”
    “Grandchildren!” He let go of him. “Not right away, first things first, after all, but she’s adamant about them.”
    “Well, she can be adamant about them a little longer. Let me get married first!”
    His father laughed. “The bride your ma sent for, what’s she like?”
    “Miss Smith?” Matthew shrugged. “She’s pretty … beautiful in fact. She can read …”
    His father laughed again. “Always a plus. What else?”
    “She’s in the parlor.”
    “The parlor? Then what are you doing out here?”
    “I told you, I needed some air.”
      His father put an arm around him. “Son, you don’t leave a beautiful young woman alone in the parlor.”
    “She’s not alone, Deputy Turner is with her.”
    “What!” His father narrowed his eyes on his son as he looked at him.  “Matthew, I spent a lot of money to bring that gal out here, and if she’s pretty and she can read, then what’s the problem?  Take your time, get to know her, but give it try at least.  I know you’re angry with us but …”
    Matthew held up his hand to stop him for saying anything more. “I’m sorry. I forgot about the expense, and … I know you did it out of love … but this isn’t a horse or a dog we’re talking about.”
    “Give the girl a chance … wait a minute, what are we doing wasting time out here when your mail order bride is inside alone with Deputy Turner!”
    “She’s not alone with him. Charlotte Davis is in there too.”
    “Great Scott! Everyone in town will know what went on!”
    “Pa …”
    “Does your ma know?”
    “Yes, she helped arrange it, now calm down.”
      His father went to the horses and patted the nearest one. “Why don’t you ask the good deputy to come out here and help me unload this wagon while you spend some time with your future bride.”
    Matthew looked to the wagon. It would take them a while to unload it, and get Tom out of the parlor and away from Charlotte. “All right, I’ll do that.” He turned and hobbled up the steps.
    “What happened? Why the limp?”
    “Long story. Part of why I’m out of sorts, I guess.”
    “Matt, promise me you’ll give it a try, get to know her … marry?”
    He stood stock still a moment before he turned to his father. “I’ll … try.”
    “Good man. Now fetch me that deputy.”
    * * *

    “And then … ha, ha , ha! Then, Mr. Berg, he done ate seven pies in one sitting! That man was sick the next day, let me tell you!”
    Matthew stood in the doorway in stunned silence as Tom regaled the women with some sort of t ale. They were

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