His Seafaring Siren (Caledonia's Captives)
they had just shared she said, “I love you, Septimus.”
    He pulled away from her slowly and Mowriyah saw a look of bewilderment in his eyes. She dropped her gaze in embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I didn’t...”
    Septimus placed his finger against her lips. “Shh.” He pushed her hair behind her ear. “Shall we find Trivian and Phaedra? We will need to get started on our plans.”
    She allowed Septimus to lead her from the pool. She dressed herself as he went to find the others and left her standing on the concrete, unusually cold and alone.
    Back at Trivian’s house, the foursome sat around the front room on large couches and worked out their plan.
    Phaedra explained the layout of the palace and how they could get in without being noticed. “They are planning a feast of some sort and my master has instructed me to make a large delivery to the palace. Often, I have hired others to help me with larger deliveries. Since I’ve used various people in the past, your new faces should not be questioned. I will provide you with clothes and Septimus’s new facial hair should provide enough confusion about his identity.”
    She reached over and took Trivian’s hand. “I will take Septimus and Mowriyah early tomorrow for the delivery. When we are told to bring our wares to the kitchen, Mowriyah will be able to speak to Leihla briefly and tell her of our plan. You, dear, will need to return to work and pretend as if nothing is amiss.”
    Septimus tried to focus as Phaedra explained their plan, but his thoughts kept wandering to Mowriyah, who had been quiet and seemed distant since the bathhouse. She’d said that she loved him, which had taken him aback. He thought about the woman who was so adventurous, the lump in his throat that swelled when he thought of losing her, and the warmth in his heart when she smiled. Is that what I have been feeling? Is this what love is supposed to feel like? He glanced at Mowriyah, whose full lips seemed to be beckoning him. Her large brown eyes were lit with a fire that he never wanted to see doused. She is my match, of this I am certain.
    “Then we will return at night to collect Leihla. There will be no way that we will be able to get her out during the day. As I told you before, she is being watched.”
    He noticed Mowriyah stiffen. He reached out to grab her arm, but she pulled away from him.
    “After our initial meeting with Leihla, we will meet Trivian back here.”
    There was a lull in the conversation, and Septimus felt the need to fill the emptiness in the room by offering his report. “The ship repairs have been completed. The workers on the dock have been paid well and are resupplying it as we speak. By tomorrow night, we will be off to Caledonia.” He looked around at the others, trying to convey hope. “The four of us and Leihla.” He reached for Mowriyah’s hand again and she shifted to pull from his touch once more.
    Trivian refilled everyone’s cups with wine for the third time that evening. “Might as well finish what we can tonight. It’s not like I can take it all with me. But I will admit, this Roman life would be nothing without the people I love.” Phaedra smiled and he squeezed in closer to her on the settee and leaned in to kiss her forehead. “You and Mowriyah are welcome to stay here tonight. I have an extra room for guests. Phaedra and I are off to bed.”
    Septimus recognized the devilish grin that Trivian wore. They may be off to bed, but sleep is the furthest thing from his mind. “Goodnight Trivian. Phaedra.” He rose from the couch and bid them farewell with a handshake and a light hug.
    He sat next to Mowriyah and turned to face her. “Do you wish to stay here or return to the inn?”
    “I suppose we should stay here so we are ready to leave in the morning when the time is right.”
    He heard the coldness in her words. “Are you nervous about tomorrow?”
    She closed her eyes. “No, I’m excited about tomorrow. Seeing Leihla

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