Hold Me Tight: Heartbreakers
at the open doorway. Easing Jessica’s body carefully aside, Alexi had carried her into the spacious home.
    For a moment Alexi had held Jessica in his arms. He didn’t want to release her; his instincts said she was his, her eyes wide and green as new leaves upon him as if a stunning emotion ran through her. “Put me down,” she had whispered unevenly.
    But her hand had remained on his nape, her fingers slightly digging into his skin.
    In that heartbeat Alexi had known they both recognized the danger of the other.
    “Put me down,” she had whispered again, more urgently.
    “When I am ready.”
    She had glanced at the Stepanov family who was evidentlyenjoying the whispered exchange. “You are creating a scene, Stepanov.”
    “Am I? Tell me that you did not create one earlier.”
    Jessica had been the first to move out of their private battle arena. She had smiled at Fadey and extended her hand to shake his. “You must be Fadey Stepanov. I’ve heard so much about you. I love your furniture.”
    Fadey nodded, kissed the back of her hand and said formally, “Thank you. You are most welcome to my home.”
    Alexi had stared at Jarek and Mikhail, who were removing their coats and wearing the same knowing grin as Fadey. It said that they knew Alexi had finally found a woman who tested him, who fascinated him.
    With a quick movement Alexi had deposited Jessica on the gleaming wooden floor. He had shrugged off his coat and had walked away, dismissing her. He didn’t like the idea that Jessica had reversed the game between them, that now she held the upper hand. He had the uncomfortable feeling that he was fleeing into the safety of his aunt’s large, homey kitchen.
    He sipped his coffee too quickly and it burned his lip, and Jessica was dangerous. And meddlesome. And sensual. He hadn’t liked the soft feel of Jessica in his arms. The way her arm had rested lightly on his shoulders—which brought those soft unbound breasts against his chest. He hadn’t liked the fresh air bearing her scent—exotic yet fresh and sweet.
    He chewed his aunt’s pancakes and disliked how easily Jessica fit into the warm family scene, taking immediately to Leigh, Jarek’s wife, now expecting their second baby and evidently blooming with happiness. Ellie, Mikhail’s wife, who was in her last month of pregnancy, leaned close to her husband. Tanya, her child and Mikhail’s adopted five-year-old daughter, was at preschool. Jarek and Mikhail’s mother, Mary Jo, a long-legged Texan beauty, moved easily around her large, family-style kitchen with its strings of chili peppers, pottery and the sturdy Stepanov furniture. She was evidently pleased with her family and the presence of Jessica.
    At the end of the table Fadey, Alexi’s uncle, was obviouslyenjoying his grandfather role. He cuddled and teased Katerina, Jarek and Leigh’s toddler.
    “We have traditional tea in the afternoon, if you’d like to come. The tea is called zavarka, ” Mary Jo was saying. “Fadey loves to have a family tea, and we brew it as he likes, in a samovar. We’re looking forward to having Viktor here with us and sharing tea. It’s so nice of Alexi to remodel the house for Viktor. We’re hoping Alexi will want to stay here, too. Danya has already said that he might come, too.”
    “Of course. We are family, are we not? My wife makes the cookies like in the old country, raspberry, of course. My brother, Viktor, Alexi’s father—he likes them, too. Thanks to Alexi, my brother will be joining me in his retirement. Viktor took some convincing. Alexi is a good boy—he helps with furniture loading and still he works at making a good home for his father. You will come, Jessica, to our tea. It is good to have women in a house—isn’t it, Alexi?”
    Alexi forced a nod and narrowed his eyes at Jessica, who was obviously enjoying his discomfort. Her smirks were even more delightful and difficult to resist than that beautiful temper, which set off her emerald eyes and

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