Holiday at Magnolia Bay (Southern Born Christmas Book 1)

Holiday at Magnolia Bay (Southern Born Christmas Book 1) by Tracy Solheim

Book: Holiday at Magnolia Bay (Southern Born Christmas Book 1) by Tracy Solheim Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracy Solheim
Tags: Romance, Southern, Christmas
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His voice trailed off and she watched as the look she once found attractive radiated from his eyes. Too bad for him, it had lost its potency.
    “And I was a convenient means to an end?”
    “You were—are—a respected scientist with the same passion for this project as I have who also happens to be a woman I am attracted to.”
    “The same could be said for Imogene.”
    He had the decency to squirm at that one.
    Jenna sighed. She had no right to be so upset—well, except about Perry kissing her while he was engaged to someone else. Jenna had already come to the realization that she hadn’t been all that serious about Perry. She’d proven that point when she kissed the first man who’d come along last night—a veritable stranger, for goodness sake. Her face became warm with the shame of it—or maybe that was just from thinking about the taste and feel of Drew’s lips on hers.
    “Honestly, Perry, it wasn’t working for me, anyway,” she said a bit harshly, surprising even herself at the truth in her words. “I think we’re better off maintaining a working relationship and leaving it at that.”
    “It’s the soldier, isn’t it? Miss Evie’s convenient godson,” Perry demanded and Jenna had to take a step back both mentally and physically. “There’s something going on between you two. Imogene picked up on it yesterday.”
    There was nothing going on between Jenna and Drew—except for maybe a very hot lip lock on the beach last night. If Drew hadn’t ended it when he did, Jenna certainly would have. Eventually. Jenna may be a sucker for a pretty face lately, but that was all. She’d only allowed him to kiss her as comfort for whatever had shaken his macho being at the sight of the dead turtle.
    Instead, she honed in on Perry’s use of the word ‘convenient’. Not surprising, he saw Drew as a threat. She’d been guilty of the same thoughts yesterday, however, so it was hard to fault Perry. But, after last night, she was fairly certain Miss Evie’s godson wasn’t in Magnolia Bay to scuttle the turtle hatchery. There were darker secrets within his eyes. A part of her ached for him, which meant Drew was a threat—just not in the way Perry thought.
    “Not that it’s any of your business, but I only met the Lieutenant Commander yesterday. It’s merely a coincidence that he’s in Magnolia Bay. You’re reading much more into this, Perry.” She clicked on her computer, hoping he’d get the message that their conversation was over. “I processed a Loggerhead strand last night and I need to get Carter moving on the lab work so I can send the report off to Fish and Wildlife. I can take whatever you have up to Miss Evie this morning while I wait for the reports.”
    Perry looked as though he wanted to say more, but the fiancée he was ‘test driving’ arrived at Jenna’s office door, study in hand, almost as though she was waiting on her cue.
    “I assume you will be able to explain the more technical aspects to her?” she asked Jenna.
    “Jenna has her master’s degree and is well versed in the project, Imogene.”
    Imogene arched a perfect eyebrow at Perry’s quick defense. “Perhaps that’s best. Without a doctorate, she doesn’t run the risk of getting too technical with the old woman.”
    Jenna plucked the report from Imogene’s fingers. “I’m sure I’ll be able to muddle through with my second-rate education. You two enjoy your day. Preferably not in my office.”
    Heaving a sigh, Perry gestured for Imogene to precede him out the door. “I’ll light a fire under Carter to get that lab work started. Let us know how everything goes as soon as you get back.” As if the two of them wouldn’t be perched beside her parking space awaiting her return.
    Miss Evie peered over her readers to make some notes in the margin before gliding her hand down her cat’s back. Zarah’s contented purr echoed throughout the room. Jenna decided to bite the bullet.
    “You’re not serious about the

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