Holistic Beauty from the Inside Out
forehead and moving down to the cheeks and jaw. You can also tap your scalp area, which helps release tension and may help promote hair growth.
Cheek Lift . Using your middle fingers, press firmly into your jaw muscles located under your cheekbones near earlobes. Hold the pressure counting to five, and then relax. Repeat five times.
    As you incorporate these simple stress-relieving techniques in your daily beauty routine, remember that the ultimate form of health and beauty is the daily encouragement of positive emotions. Love, compassion, and joy are vital for wellness. On a physical level, they cause your muscles to relax, normalize your breathing, and promote stronger blood flow. The expression of compassion, love, and joy triggers your body to increase the production of serotonin, a natural antidepressant. But the true stress relief is impossible without a good night’s sleep. In the next chapter you will learn why your daily slumber is your most powerful antiaging, skin-rejuvenating tool.
    Chapter Two Quick Tips
If your mood dwindles after you have missed the only parking spot available, or broken a nail before an important date, tackle the issue head on. Remove irritants, relocate your car to another parking garage, and file your nails to perfection. When you take care of the problem right away , you enjoy lifted mood, and an added bonus of an accomplishment.
Artificial lighting and dark office spaces with no windows can contribute to low moods. If natural sunshine is a luxury for you, for example, in the middle of the winter, just twenty minutes of being outside in natural sunlight can help make a depression-free mind-set a reality .
For most of us, taking a break from work or any other activity involves grabbing a coffee and logging in to social networking. If you are feeling overwhelmed, a quick chat with a good friend can be a much better remedy. But if you often socialize with people who complain and whine all the time, it can also contribute to your stress. Instead of worrying about someone else’s problems, or reading news (another stress trigger), get up and take a brisk walk, or close your eyes and listen to classical, lounge, or meditative music . Most important, never skip your breaks. After just ten minutes of a recharging activity, you will be far more productive than if you plow through the day with no relief.
Make conscious efforts to eliminate sugar, caffeine, or alcohol addictions . If you are successful at stabilizing your blood sugar levels, you will eventually get off that mood roller coaster that most of us ride on all day.
Mind-soothing nutrition will lead to stable physical, mental, and emotional states. Enrich your diet with vitamins from the B group, vitamin C, zinc, copper, magnesium, and potassium. Best sources of these nutrients are fresh, wholesome foods, but, if necessary, feel free to add supplements to your daily intake of these stress-relieving nutrients.
Consider supplementing with mind-strengthening herbs such as rhodiola or Siberian ginseng, which help normalize your stress response and reduce the levels of stress-generated free radicals in your body .
Meditate daily to feel grounded, secure, and less prone to anxiety . Even ten or twenty minutes a day can do wonders for your complexion. Choose a meditation technique that fits your personal beliefs and state of mind.
Practice facial relaxation massage with soothing oils to promote the relaxation of facial muscles and revive a healthy glow.
Yoga is great for your metabolism and overall wellbeing . Learn the basics in a studio and try moving your sessions outdoors to absorb more oxygen and soothe your nerves.

    Eat Yourself Beautiful
    N ext time you lose your precious beauty sleep over some astronomically priced cleansing device or the latest wrinkle-erasing cream, consider this: some of the most effective beauty tools can be found right on the shelves of your fridge and kitchen cupboards. From crunchy apples to

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