Hook Up
as he lifted her onto the counter, never losing contact with her mouth. He stepped between her thighs. Her skirt was so short it provided no barrier and she could feel his erection pressing against her panties. Her wet panties. Oh God, she was losing this battle. Did he know?
    His lips flirted with hers, moving softly, cleverly over her mouth. She wanted to wrap her legs around his waist and abandon herself to the desire thrumming between them, but then he would never leave her alone. It was important that he leave her alone. He slid one hand behind her neck, angled her head and stroked into her mouth, moving against her in a rhythm she had never forgotten. She answered back, twisting her hips.
    His moan was a low throb of satisfaction, barely audible, more felt than heard. Need rushed from her pelvis to her chest then dropped back down to land in a heavy pool between her thighs. Ryan traced the line of her garter until his hand met the junction of hip and leg. His thumb edged beneath the elastic of her underwear. A whimper broke free from her throat as her hips arched toward his hand.
    Dimly, she heard the sound of the bell tinkling on the front door.
    Ryan raised his head. His eyes were glazed, hot, as he pulled her forward.
    Crystal pressed closer to him, riding the long line of his body. Her feet hit the floor and she stiffened, startled.
    He stepped back. “Save a dance for me tonight.”

Chapter Five
    Mark and Alisa had spared no expense for their reception. She and Bonita were the only two people ignoring the lavish buffet and enjoying the summer sunset on the secluded patio of the posh country club. Or, rather, Bonita was enjoying it. She was also getting a kick out of Crystal’s acute embarrassment. The other guests were inside admiring the ice sculptures, chocolate fountain, martini luge, carving stations and six-tier wedding cake. More than a few were surreptitiously slipping wedding favors into their pockets. Alisa must have spent hours tying grosgrain ribbons on the individually wrapped, neon-colored, jelly-stretch cock rings.
    Bonita accepted two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter and handed one to Crystal. “You have to give me credit for staying quiet as long as humanly possible,” she said with a small smile. “I didn’t ask why you were sitting on the store counter and Ryan was wearing your lipstick. I didn’t make a peep on the drive over here, mostly because I was afraid you’d jump out of the car on the highway if I did.” She held up a hand as Crystal tried to interrupt. “No, believe it or not, I don’t care about what happened in the shop this afternoon. Well, I do, but that’s not what I want to hear first. I want the whole story.” Bonita’s clear, green eyes were solemn. “Don’t you think it’s time for you to tell me why you’ve been hiding at Come Again for all these years?”
    “I’m not hiding,” Crystal protested.
    Bonita took a sip of champagne and waited. Not once during their friendship had she pushed Crystal for information. Bonita was the most private person she knew, and she respected Crystal’s privacy as carefully as she guarded her own. After all of her support, Bonita deserved to know the truth.
    Crystal forced herself to turn back the clock. “I met him at a frat party my freshman year of college. I think he and Mark grew up together, and he was visiting for homecoming weekend. When he kissed me, it felt like a religious experience. It was like…bang. Trumpets, flashing lights, a chorus of angels, the whole shebang. I thought it was love at first sight. In retrospect, I guess the tequila could have had something to do with it.” Crystal stared into her glass, watching the bubbles rise and pop on the surface. She took a long sip. “I was a virgin.”
    Bonita groaned.
    “I went upstairs with him and he was everything I could have hoped for in a first lover. Completely open, honest, he talked to me the whole time, made sure it was good for me, even

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