Hope Callaghan - Garden Girls 07 - Missing Milt

Hope Callaghan - Garden Girls 07 - Missing Milt by Hope Callaghan Page B

Book: Hope Callaghan - Garden Girls 07 - Missing Milt by Hope Callaghan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hope Callaghan
Tags: Mystery: Cozy - Senior Sleuths - Michigan
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em Max sent ya.  Max Field.” He was giving Lucy googly eyes.
    Gloria leaned against the passenger side of the jeep while Max leaned closer to Lucy.  “Say, you wouldn’t happen to wanna.” He paused. “You know…maybe have breakfast sometime.”
    Lucy’s face turned the same bright red shade as her hair. “I-I…” She looked at Gloria as if to say, “What do I do?”
    Gloria was more than happy to oblige.  “Why Lucy, here, would love to meet you for breakfast. Right, Lucy?”
    Lucy swallowed hard and shook her head.  “I-I…”
    “How does Thursday sound?” Gloria was setting Lucy up on a date.  “We live over in Belhaven and have a great restaurant in town.  It’s called Dot’s Restaurant and it’s on Main Street.” 
    Max turned to Gloria and smiled.  He was a fine looking fellow.  She didn’t see the harm in having him meet Lucy there for breakfast.  That way, Gloria and girls could kind of “scope him out” so to speak.
    Max cleared his throat.  “Great.  How does 9:00 o’clock Thursday morning sound?” He was talking to Lucy but asking Gloria.
    Gloria grabbed the door handle.  “Sounds perfect.  She’ll see you then.”
    Max gave Lucy a goofy smile and then sauntered off down the sidewalk.  They watched as he climbed into a silver Audi convertible.  He backed out of the parking spot and then drove past them, waving as he went.   
    Gloria slipped her sunglasses on and climbed into the jeep.  “Will ya’ look at that.”
    Lucy slid into the driver’s side.  “You just set me up on a date!” Lucy huffed. “Wh-what if I don’t want to go?”
    Gloria lowered the visor and peered at her reflection in the mirror.  “Oh, Lucy.  It’s just a little breakfast.  What’s the harm?”  She glanced at her friend out of the corner of her eye.  “He was kinda cute and he drives a nice sports car.”
    Lucy frowned and grabbed her sunglasses from the center console.
    Gloria dropped her purse on the floor.  “Don’t worry. The girls and I will stick close by.  Make sure things don’t get out of hand.”
    Lucy pounded the steering wheel in frustration.  “You set me up on this ‘date’ and now you’re gonna spy on me?”
    She stopped pounding and put the jeep in reverse.  “He was kinda cute, huh,” she agreed.
    A small smile turned the corner of Gloria’s lips.  This was turning into a productive day!  Not only did they have a lead, Lucy had a hot date!

Chapter 7
    Lucy pulled up to the stop sign and looked first to the left then to the right.  She glanced over at Gloria. “Do you want to run by that loan place tomorrow?”
    The loan place was in Lakeville, on the opposite side of the county.
    Gloria glanced down at the clock on the car radio.  Paul would be by in a few hours.  They wouldn’t have time to go today. It would be cutting it too close.  “Yeah, I think tomorrow would work out better.”
    The jeep rolled down Main Street, Belhaven.  The small town was packed and they had trouble finding a parking place. 
    Lucy swung into a parking spot near the end of the block.  The girls climbed out and headed to Dot’s Restaurant.  Since they had just eaten, the girls ordered a couple Diet Cokes and waited for Dot take a breather. 
    Dot set Lucy’s Diet Coke in front of her.  “What? No hot chocolate today?” she teased.
    Lucy reached for her drink.  “I just had some,” she mumbled.
    Dot placed Gloria’s drink in front of her.  “Let me guess.  You’re working on Frances’ missing beau.”
    Lucy nodded.  “Yeah.  We have a few leads now, huh Gloria.”
    Gloria nodded. “We’ll follow up on one tomorrow over in Lakeville.”
    “Well, lookie who we have here.” The girls’ friend, Margaret, wandered over to the table. She clasped her purse in front of her and folded her hands over the front.  “I haven’t seen either one of you in days now.”
    Gloria wiped the sweat from the bottom of her glass with her napkin.  “I’ve

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