Hopelessly Broken

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Book: Hopelessly Broken by Tawny Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tawny Taylor
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door. Still shut. Good.
    Smiling he stepped into Logan’s room.
    Logan looked up and returned his smile. “Aeron!”

    “I see you have a book about angels.” Thankful for the distraction, and having yet another chance to talk to Logan, Aeron quietly stepped into Logan’s room and motioned to the book in the boy’s hands. “Do you believe in Angels, Logan?”
    “Sure. My mommy and daddy are angels now. ” Sitting cross-legged on his bed, Logan ran his hand over the open page. Printed on it was a classic image of an angel, a man in a robe-like gown, all white, white wings stretched out from his back, a golden halo hovering over his glossy mane of blond waves. Of course, that was nothing like how most angels looked. They all were different, just like men. Unique. Individual. Beautiful, but in a very different way than mankind could imagine. He knew this because he’d seen more than his share of angels over the years. “Jenny told me Mom and Dad are up in heaven now, watching over us, making sure we’re okay.” His little face tipped up, eyes upturned as if he were searching heaven for them right now.
    What Logan said wasn’ t exactly true. Men didn’t become angels when they died. Angels were created by Him, to serve Him. People were created too, but not as servants. They were free. Free to make choices. Free to accept or reject Him. Angels just served.
    But they were powerful and worthy of respect. Angels could kick some serious ass.
    “ Are your mom and dad angels too?” Logan asked, reaching for Cojack, who had just leapt on the bed. Cojack let himself be caught and curled into the boy’s arms.
    “No, my parents aren’t angels.”
    “Oh. Are they…” Logan’s eyes dropped. “Down there?”
    “In hell? No. They aren’t there either. They’re in Ypsilanti.”
    “Where’s that?”
    “Kind of far away from here…but nowhere near hell.”
    “Oh, that’s good.” Logan cuddled Cojack tighter to his chest. “But don’t you miss them if they’re so far away?”
    “Sure I do.”
    “Then why don’t you go home?” Logan stroked Cojack’s little head, and Cojack’s eyelids drifted closed. Contentment shone in every one of the little dog’s features.
    “I will go home. Someday.”
    “But not too soon, right?”
    Aeron couldn’t help chuckling. Logan’s honesty was refreshing. And amusing. “Not too soon. Why? Would you be upset if I took Cojack away?”
    “I would be a little sad, sure. ” Logan kissed the top of the dog’s head. “But not just because of Cojack. I think Jenny would be sadder than me.”
    “Oh, I don’t think she likes Cojack very much. She probably wouldn’t miss him at all.”
    The boy giggled. “No, silly. She likes you.”
    Aeron’s face warmed. Had it been that obvious, that a child could see it? “No, she doesn’t like me.”
    “Yes, she does. Jenny doesn’t laugh. Ever. She hardly smiles. And she works all the time. She never makes messes. But with you…she’s different. She’s happy.”
    She’s happy.
    Aeron’s heart jerked in his chest. He swallowed hard. She might be happy now. But when he left… “Well, I…don’t…”
    “It’s okay, Aeron. ” Logan pulled back his blanket and tucked the sleeping dog into bed as if he was an infant. “If you want to love her, I won’t be upset.”
    “Love? Oh, buddy.” Aeron was ready to put an end to this conversation before it got any more awkward. “It takes people a long time to love each other. Not just hours. Or days. It takes years.”
    Logan shook his head. “Jenny doesn’t believe that.”
    “How would you know what she believes?”
    “I read her books. They’re kind of silly, but some of them are okay.” Logan slid beneath the covers next to Cojack, tucking the dog against his side.
    “You won’t tell her, will you? She’d get mad at me if she found out. I like the cowboy ones. Only the cowboy ones…” His face pinked. “Because there’s stuff

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