Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Bella Juarez Page A

Book: Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Bella Juarez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Juarez
Tags: Romance
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with who they threw under the bus. It was almost six when he finally looked up. He had a couple more chores to do but he could be gone before seven and ready to pick up Amy by seven thirty as promised.
    “Gavin?” he heard a soft, feminine voice call him.
    Gavin looked at the doorway and smiled. “Hello, Mrs. Ortiz. What can I do for you?”
    “I thought I would drop by and give you an invitation to our house for Thanksgiving,” Irene said.
    “Thank you, Mrs. Ortiz. But that should be time you spend with your family and I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
    “You are family. You’re police family.” Irene smiled.
    “Thanks, but uh…” Gavin looked away.
    “Amy will be there.”
    “What can I bring?”
    Gavin was usually very controlled with his emotions and expressions, but his words were out of his mouth before he realized it. It was scary how Amy affected him in such a short time. He was sure if he could just get in between her legs it would all get better and she wouldn’t have this kind of hold on him.
    “Whatever you want to drink. Dinner will be at three, so you can come any time after noon. I’m sure David could use help frying the turkey,” Irene said with a knowing smile.
    This little lady seemed to read him like a book. Gavin sat back in his chair. Am I that obvious?
    “Thanks for the invite, Mrs. Ortiz. I’ll be there.” Gavin smiled.
    “Good! We’re looking forward to having you. Amy really is a nice girl, Gavin.” Irene turned to leave.
    Gavin chuckled and shook his head. Irene Ortiz was a sly one. She had to be. She was the principle of the one of the high schools in Victoria. She had to be smart to stay one step ahead of the kids nowadays.
    He refocused himself and finished his day.
    * * * *
    Cheryl walked up the sidewalk to Amy’s house. Apparently, she had been home for an hour and was in a panic about her hot date. When she walked into Amy’s bedroom, it looked like a bomb had exploded in her closet and had blasted clothes all over her bedroom. Amy was so frustrated. Cheryl noticed Amy seemed about ready to cry in her frustration because she had worked herself into a frenzy about this evening.
    “What the hell happened in here?” Cheryl asked as she looked around.
    “I can’t find anything to wear!” Amy cried in near hysteria.
    Cheryl led Amy to the bed and sat her down.
    “Okay, okay, calm down,” Cheryl said.
    “I–I can’t d–do this,” Amy whispered with a wild expression.
    Cheryl turned and started picking through the clothes.
    “Yes, you can, and you will. Where did he say he was taking you?” Cheryl asked.
    “A movie and dinner.” Amy looked down at her hands.
    Cheryl picked up a very nice and soft chenille sweater. You couldn’t help but run your hands over the soft fabric when you saw it. If he was indeed a real man, he would be very tactile, and he wouldn’t be able to resist touching Amy. Cheryl smiled a knowing smile. Yes! That will do the trick.
    “Girl! You need to get laid by a man that knows what to do with a woman. Ease up some of that tension,” Cheryl mumbled. “Put on something sexy underneath. It’ll make you feel better. Let me see if I can find some slacks.” Cheryl handed Amy the sweater.
    “Cheryl!” Amy cried.
    “‘Cheryl’ my ass! It’s a good thing I got rid of all that frumpy shit you had.” Cheryl rummaged through Amy’s lingerie drawer.
    Cheryl held up a lacy lavender thong and push-up bra set. It would set Amy’s assets off very nicely with that V-neck sweater.
    “Here, get to it!” Cheryl demanded as she lifted Amy from the bed.
    Cheryl shooed Amy into the bathroom to shower and change. She continued rummaging through Amy’s clothes until she found some nice trousers. As Amy bathed, she picked through her jewelry and set it aside. She also looked through her makeup and picked the colors that would be best for a casual evening out. Amy came out of the bathroom in her robe.
    “Come on get over here so I can fix

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