Hot Date With The Boss (BBW Contemporary Billionaire Romance)
I think he’s seeing someone and that person, whoever she is, is a pretty lucky lady. A doctor and a gorgeous one to boot. You know, in the movies and on TV there are always guys like McDreamy from Grey’s Anatomy, and not Doctor Neil with his thinning hair and very unfortunate nose.”
    “Doctor Neil is a dentist.”
    “Close cousin to a doctor,” Cathy said with a shrug and a laugh. “Look at this, we’re all seeing people. It’s like an office first, isn’t it?”
    “Frank’s seeing someone?” Melissa asked.
    “A little nerdy girl, just like him. See, there’s someone for everybody. What do you think Doc’s lady is like. And where did he meet her. Think maybe she’s one of our patients?” Cathy drummed her fingernails on the desk, and Melissa had the sense that if she could, she’d start running down the list of potential patient booty calls for Glenn. Which was not good. At all.
    “That would be unethical, and Doctor Glenn is anything but.” God, did Melissa have to sound so uppity. She would have rolled her eyes at herself, but Cathy was doing the same.
    “Some day, Doc is going to come off the pedestal you have him on,” Cathy said gently. “I hope it isn’t a hard or a painful fall from grace.”
    “Me too.”
    Glenn looked at the text message, and couldn’t stop the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. It was from Melissa and had come in two hours after he’d arrived home after a visit to his family. He’d wanted to bring her along, but they couldn’t let the office be understaffed.
    He’d have to make some arrangements soon, because he and Melissa were here to stay, and he had no intention of changing that. She was a hell of a woman, tolerant of his moods, gentle with him when she needed to be and firm when she needed to be. They’d found a happy balance of leaving their lifestyle at the club, while being equals on their other off work hours. It was the best way for them to have a healthy relationship. Glenn wanted to take it to the next level, to bring her into the family scene, to see if she could manage to get along with his three kid brothers and their wives, to see how she treated his parents.
    He’d met her mother several times, but Melissa didn’t like exposing him to that part of her life. And that was just the word she’d used. Exposed. As if he hadn’t been round heavy drinkers before. Her mother drank more than she did anything, including cleaning or being involved in her daughter’s life, and Glenn wanted more for Melissa. He wanted her to move in with him. He wanted them to take it to the next level.
    Glenn read the text message again. Message when you get in. We have to talk.
    “We have to talk” was never a good phrase, in his experience, but he thought that he and Melissa were rock solid. There had been a little bit of a whirlwind to begin with, but they’d settled in to what he thought was a great routine of dinner at his place a couple of times a week, followed by TV or reading, and a couple nights at the club every week. They’d explored each other in and out of bed, and Glenn couldn’t be happier with Melissa.
    I’m home , he texted back. You coming over?
    Give me ten.
    She wasn’t at home then. Her place to his was twenty in no traffic. She’d known when he’d been returning home and though she didn’t have a key yet, she could have sat in the lobby of his building until he arrived home. He needed to work on getting her a key, as long as this wasn’t a goodbye moment.
    A goodbye moment? What the hell was he thinking?
    Glenn paced around his apartment, trying to settle his emotions, trying to make sense of what might be going on. He knew he hadn’t misread the situation; she cared about him as much as he did about her. He’d banished Melissa’s self image situation weeks ago, and she seemed not only more confident, but more comfortable in her skin. They had to figure out the work situation, but that would work itself out in time; he was sure of

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