How to Marry a Warlock in 10 Days

How to Marry a Warlock in 10 Days by Saranna DeWylde Page A

Book: How to Marry a Warlock in 10 Days by Saranna DeWylde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saranna DeWylde
Tags: Fiction, General
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    “Don’t trust her either. Your life is in danger.”
    She laughed and it was genuine. “Tristan, are you drunk?”
    “Leave with me, leave right now,” he pleaded earnestly.
    “No. You haven’t even told me how I’m in danger. I’m not some silly girl who is going to be enamored of your charms and just leave with you because you feed me a romantic line about how you’re going to save me. I’d think you’d be more original.”
    He moved her even closer to him. “Mids, I won’t deny I’d love to get you naked. In fact, I’m pretty sure you’re not wearing panties and I can’t tell you how hot that is, but I’m serious.”
    Her face flamed. “How would you know if I’m wearing drawers or not?”
    “My hand is almost on your ass, love. But that’s beside the point. The point is that you are in danger and you’re being really contrary about letting me save you.”
    “You have to keep that hero image fresh, don’t you? Do you have reporters waiting outside to catch shots of you spiriting me off into the night away from Dred Shadowins? For my own safety, of course .” She sneered.
    “Middy, he’s involved in smuggling cursed objects. The rumors about what happened in Shale Creek are true.”
    They couldn’t be. Dred might be a bastard but . . . But what, exactly? But she didn’t want to believe that his hands were capable of such atrocity because she wanted them on her body?
    She didn’t trust Tristan either. From what she’d seen, he’d never done anything that didn’t benefit him somehow.
    She’d always thought there was more to Shale Creek than what he’d let on. So why was he telling her this? What exactly did he hope to get out of it?
    “I don’t trust you.”
    “Don’t trust me, fine. Don’t trust Shadowins either.”
    “Who says that I do?”
    His hand slipped lower on her hip. “Definitely no panties. Is that for Dred, then? Have you already slept with him?”
    This line of questioning was really starting to piss her off.
    “Tristan”—she smiled sweetly— “I can honestly say that I haven’t done any sleeping in Dred Shadowins’s bed.”
    It was the truth. Of course, she’d twisted it to sound like a lie.
    “Middy, since this may be my last chance to say it, I have to tell you. It’s always been you. Even when I was with Tally.” He leaned closer to her, and dipped his head to whisper against her lips, “I would be good to you, I’d take care of you . . . .” he trailed off.
    By the Morrigan’s corset, he was going to kiss her! Not what she’d been hoping for. She tried to turn her head to the side, but there was no avoiding it. He had her locked in an iron grip and it was more of an invasion than a kiss.
    He had her locked against him so she couldn’t struggle and she was vaguely aware of the furious snapping of camera shutters and the blinding waves of flashes as they all fought to be the first to snap a picture of Tristan Belledare and his witch of the week. Which was definitely not her.
    Suddenly, he was unceremoniously plucked from her like a nasty little specimen of lice. Seemingly flicked away with the same disgust.
    Dred to the rescue!
    Middy would have to ponder that bit of incongruity later. The cameras were still flashing with a sick intensity and caught the entire exchange.
    “What the hell, Shadowins?” Tristan said with a smirk.
    “I’m afraid I’m going to have to assume the role of the offended party, here.” His cold, perfect smile was brutal.
    “Are you going to challenge me to a duel or something?” Tristan asked lightly.
    “Not quite. I am within my rights to do so under magickal law though,” Dred offered with the same casual de-meanor, but he pulled Middy close to his body.
    “It’s not like you’re engaged,” Tristan snorted.
    “Actually,” Dred began and the corner of his mouth turned up in a wicked smile. “Midnight just agreed to become my magickally wedded witch.”
    Middy wasn’t sure how she kept her mouth

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