Hunks: Opposites Attract

Hunks: Opposites Attract by Marie Rochelle Page A

Book: Hunks: Opposites Attract by Marie Rochelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Rochelle
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really glad I caught you before you left on your trip with Nash and we got everything settled.”
    “No, don’t leave,” Shauntie jumped in, cutting her off. “Stay there. You know the place is more than big enough for you and Brian. I can vouch for him. He’s a great guy. Brian isn’t going to do anything to you.”
    “How did you figure out Brian was the mailman I told you I thought about asking out on a date?” Sapphire wasn’t interested in small talk.
    Shauntie gasped on the other end of the phone. “Sapphire, I didn’t have a clue Brian was the guy you told me about. I wouldn’t have ever set you up like that. You should know me better than that. Besides, I’ve wanted the two of you to meet for a while. I still can’t believe he’s the gorgeous mailman you were lusting over. See how things can work out on their own? I couldn’t have planned this better if I tried. You wanted to spend some alone time with Brian and now there you are, all alone in the wilderness with him.”
    Sapphire detected more than hint of happiness in Shauntie’s voice. “Are you serious about this?”
    “Yes, I’m very serious. You were talking about how you never got the opportunity to ask Brian out on a date. Can you have any better luck than having him tossed into your lap? It’s meant to be.”
    Yes, she had thought about asking Brian out for a cup of coffee or maybe even out to lunch. However, what made Shauntie think she would ever think about staying here with a man that she barely knew?
    Was her best friend insane ?
    “Sorry, Shauntie I’m going to leave. There isn’t any reason for me to stay. Brian is your friend, not mine. I can’t agree to share a place with a man I don’t know at all. I know you wouldn’t do this and neither would Emerald. Honestly, after being here with him I decided he isn’t as attractive as I first thought he was.”
    Suddenly, Shauntie burst out laughing and it lasted for a few seconds before she calmed down. Sapphire was torn between hanging up on her friend and staying on the line to find out what Shauntie had found so damn funny about her predicament.
    “Girl, you need to stop lying. Brian is drop dead gorgeous with his light brown hair and those gray eyes of his. I love Nash more than anything in the world, but I’m not blind to how attractive Brian is. He was your type a few days ago. What happened to change your mind in such a short period of time?”
    “Nothing happened...nothing at all,” Sapphire answered wanting this phone call over so she could go upstairs and pack up her stuff. Shauntie had made her believe the cottage was going to be her secret getaway; however, Brian showed up out of the blue taking over her personal space.
    “I can’t believe you’re really going to leave. I never thought the Sapphire I knew was a quitter but I guess I was wrong. I know Brian will have a good time out there without you. Come on back home then and ring in the New Year alone on your couch with a bag of chocolate doughnuts and a cup of hot chocolate.”
    The challenge had been thrown. Shauntie knew how much she hated being dared to do anything. She didn’t want to go back home at eat any kind of fried food. She liked it out here at the cottage. Turning around, Sapphire stared openly at Brian and she couldn’t disagree with Shauntie.
    His tempting physique was the first thing she’d noticed about Brian when he first sauntered into her office. From where he was standing, Brian towered over Chance by at least four inches and Chance wouldn’t be considered a short man.
    Brian was very powerfully built. Her pulse kicked up another notch when she noticed how his muscles rippled under the red polo shirt. God, how was it possible that the light dusting of hairs on Brian’s arms was turning her on.
    Even his compelling eyes and rugged handsome face only added to his over all commanding air of self-confidence. What was wrong with her? Emerald would call her crazy as sin to let this chance

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