solid metal tables. They roared as they broke the glass and burst into the station. Shards rained down on the police officers. A piece cut into Nova's cheek leaving a sudden sharp pain. She gasped as a trickle of blood ran down her face and dropped to the floor. Gunshots echoed throughout the station. The standard rounds slammed into the lecheons, but barely slowed them down. Lecheons darted through the shattered glass door and surveyed the room. As they poured through the door, two collapsed with screeches of agony. Nova cheered under her breath for the expert shots of the men with the wooden bullets. But it wasn't enough. There were too few bullets and too many lecheons. Nova's stomach clenched. There were so many of them, they were like an unstoppable tide. She swallowed and pushed the thoughts from her head. All she could do now was focus on the threat at hand. Corvus and a woman to his left leapt forward. They grabbed hold of the two closest police officers and their thick black tongues extended out. The lecheons locked their teeth onto the officer's necks and ripped the flesh. Chunks of meat, muscle and blood splattered across the room. The officers dropped to the floor with solid thuds. Nova aimed her own gun and fired at Corvus. The blast of energy hit him in the shoulder. It left a hunk of burned flesh, but before Nova's eyes the skin began to heal. Corvus glared at her. His mouth widened, revealing a bloody smile. Blood poured onto the floor from the officer at his feet. The man's face became whiter and the life drained from his eyes. "Bastard!" Nova yelled. She squeezed her trigger and fired a volley of shots at Corvus. He dove to the side and avoided the bullets completely. Officers collapsed under the weight of the lecheon onslaught. Screams echoed about the station as bodies fell to the floor. The lecheons moved so quickly that their bodies were blurs in the darkness. They darted between the police officers, slaughtering them with sudden slashes of hidden knives or their vicious teeth. The officers with the wooden bullets fired at the shadows, but most of the shots went wide. The racing lecheons were too fast to pinpoint amid the chaos. "Nova, we can't hold this position!" Briggles yelled. He fired shots at the lecheon attack, but like most of the bullets they barely slowed the creatures down. "Throw the bags!" Nova bellowed. Two burly men ambled from the back of the station carrying plump bags. They pulled back and hurled the open bags over the heads of the officers and into the midst of the lecheons. The bags exploded in puffs of sawdust. The tiny specks of wood lifted into the air and floated on the erratic currents. The dust blew around the room and coated everything, including the lecheons. Some of the dust was sucked straight into the lecheon's lungs. The room filled with the sounds of choking. Two lecheons bent over double. Lines of dribble fell from their lips as they coughed and hacked. They drew in ragged breaths interlaced with pain. "What has she done?" Corvus bellowed. The affected lecheons were in too much pain to respond. They'd stopped their mad rampage and had become sitting ducks for the officers. Those with wooden bullets took careful aim and fired. The two incapacitated lecheons collapsed, dead. Briggles ambled to Nova's side. "That's all the sawdust we could find. It's about as rare as unicorn piss." "I know," Nova said with gritted teeth. "What else can we do? There're still eight of those bastards and now they're angry." Nova took a deep breath. "Duck!" she bellowed. She didn't have time to check if the officers obeyed her command. She reached behind and lobbed one of her weapons towards the front of the station. Most of the lecheons were still gathered in that area, tearing at the front line of police officers. The ball soared through the air, completely unnoticed by the battling forces. It sailed over the barricades to the area just in front of the main door. Nova