I, Porn Star (I #1)

I, Porn Star (I #1) by Zara Cox Page B

Book: I, Porn Star (I #1) by Zara Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zara Cox
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of me. The burger’s aroma hits me in the face and I
almost drool. Fionnella’s smile widens.
    “Go on, eat.”
    I’m not sure I
want to eat while having a discussion about my colon and anal sex, but hunger
takes no prisoners. I grab the burger and take a huge bite. Fionnella grins as
if she’s personally responsible for curing world hunger. She waits for me to
swallow before she looks back down at her notes.
    “So you’re okay
with that, right?”
    I pick up a fry.
“Does it hurt?”
    She shrugs. “I’m
told there’s a small degree of discomfort, but I expect it won’t be anything to
worry about.”
    “Okay.” I take
another bite of food. The first pull of the divine shake makes me almost moan
in pleasure.
    “It’s good,
right?” Fionnella grins at my plate.
    “Incredible,” I
mumble round another bite.
    “Okay. Almost
done. Do you have any piercings, inside or out?”
    I shake my head.
    “Do you have a
toy preference?”
    “Sexual toys. The
boss has his own selection, of course, but you’re allowed one or two of your
    “Ah…no, I don’t
have a preference.”
    “Are you good at
deep-throating or do you think you need instruction?”
    I nearly gag and
my stomach attempts to twist in on itself. I’m not sure if it’s because of the
conversation or because I ate a little too fast. I suspect it’s a mixture of both.
    Fionnella drops
her pen. “The boss doesn’t like gagging. You’ll need to know how to swallow him
properly. You can be taught how to relax your throat to avoid gagging. Are you
good with that?”
    “Can I…say no to
performing the act?”
    “No,” she replies
firmly, then makes up her mind one way or the other and scribbles on her notes.
    The sensation of
living a weird fantasy returns. I quickly polish off the burger and fries. If
I’m about to wake up from a hallucination, I’d much rather do it having enjoyed
the best meal I’ve had in my life.
    I look up from an
empty plate to see Fionnella going over her notes. “That’s about it from me.
I’ll go and have a word with the boss as to when to start your grooming and
exercise regime while you talk to Dr. Allen.”
    She escorts me to
Dr. Allen’s side of the room and leaves.
    The doctor waves
me to a chair. “Sit down. I’ll try not to keep you too long,” she says briskly.
    I get the feeling
she’s trying to be as professional as possible without letting her true
feelings show. On the sliding scale of friendliness, I put her third after
Fionnella and Todd. Except I’m yet to experience the camera guy so maybe I
should reserve judgment—
    “Fionnella went
through a few sexual questions with you, but mine will probe deeper.” No apologies.
No niceties. Just straight to the point.
    The whole
operation is smooth enough to make me wonder how often the man with the
mechanical voice organizes one-million-dollar sex gigs.
    I don’t care. The
money is all I’m after. Selling my body to buy my life is an exchange I can
live with.
    “Have you ever
had an STD or suspect you might have one now?”
    I jerk back to
myself and shake my head. “No. Never.” Use of condoms was a number one rule at
The Villa. One of the very few things Clayton got right. Although I suspect
buying rubber was cheaper than forking out for medical bills, or worse, having
a prized girl off work.
    “Do you suspect
you might be pregnant?”
    “You have to go
on birth control. The boss prefers Depo-Provera. It’s quick. It’s non-invasive—you
get a shot in your arm, and the side-effects are minimal.” She passes me a
leaflet on birth control. “Read up tonight. You get the shot tomorrow unless
there are reasons you can’t get it.”
    I stuff the
leaflet in my pocket.
    “Do you bruise
    My heart lurches
and my precious burger and fries threaten to regurgitate. “Why would you ask me
    Dr. Allen doesn’t
blink. “The camera will pick up blemishes, even with makeup. I need to

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