Illusions of Love

Illusions of Love by Ella Price Page B

Book: Illusions of Love by Ella Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Price
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enough to join the
police academy. Once I became an officer my life stabilized as much as it
could. I saw Uncle Mike from time to time, but I avoided Cole. I waited for
divorce papers. I expected them every single day, but they never came. They
still hadn’t come and I had been gone six years. I saw Cole every now and then
on TV. He was a successful businessman and he was still every girls dream.
knock,” my partner Mandy said as she walked in my office. Mandy and I had gone
to college and the academy together. We were both fast tracked because we
scored high on all the tests. She helped me get over Cole, by being there for
Mandy,” I said snapping out of my reverie.
do you like the new office?” she asked as she sat across from me.
grinned. “I love it. Everything is working out exactly as I wanted it to.”
nodded. “Did you hear the news?”
looked at her confused. “What news?”
smiled. “Your husband, Cole Davis is in town.”
looked at her in disbelief. I felt my pulse quicken. I hadn’t had that feeling
in years, and I didn’t think I would ever have it again.

    Little Lies: Volume 2
do you mean he is in town?” I asked Mandy a little startled.
smile widened at my obvious shock. “I mean he is in town. I saw something on
the news about him opening a club here. He is pretty hot, you should go see
him,” she said grinning as she winked at me.
rolled my eyes. “I am over him no matter how hot he is. He is nothing but
trouble,” I muttered.
wouldn’t mind some of that trouble, and if you saw him you wouldn’t either,”
she said giggling.
smiled. “He was fun in bed. That was about all he had going for him at the
time, other than the money.”
waved her hand like it was no big deal. “Who needs all that money anyway?”
smiled and shook my head. “You’re telling me.” I looked at my watch. It was
already after ten in the morning. I had been here since six going over several
cases I had been put on. My phone rang and I smiled. It was the first time my
office phone had rang.
Winters,” I answered trying not to sound too giddy.
Now that is quite a shock.” Cole’s amused voice filled my ear, and I felt my
smile falter.
gave me a questioning look. I mouthed his name and she gave me a thumbs up. I
just rolled my eyes. “What do you want Cole?” I asked trying to sound as rude
as possible.
you recognize my voice, that is a good sign I suppose,” he said playfully.
name came up on caller ID,” I lied. I didn’t really know why I lied I just
didn’t want him thinking I thought about him.
laughed like he didn’t believe me. “I suppose I should get down to business. I want
a divorce. I had the papers drawn up and I was hoping you and your lawyer would
come by my office and review them.”
when?” I asked trying to sound like his announcement didn’t bother me. It did
bother me a little, and I didn’t really know why. I had been expecting it for a
while now.
afternoon if possible,” he said softly.
that’s awful quick; what are you inflicting marriage on some other poor love
struck fool? Do you have an inheritance to gain?” I asked amused.
know that was not the only reason I married you,” he said quietly. He sounded
like I had offended him.
sure. What time should I be there?” I asked changing the subject.
will be fine,” he said regaining his firm business tone.
is it?” I asked as I grabbed a note pad.
the giant building in the center of the city that says Davis Towers in bold
letters.” He sounded like he was teasing me. He was such an arrogant ass.
see you at two,” I muttered and hung up. I made a disgusted noise and tossed my
note pad aside.
are going to see him?” Mandy asked sounding both surprised and amused.
sighed. “He wants a

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