In His Eyes (Interracial Erotica)
    "Bree," he'd whisper. "Bree..."
    Bree gave her head a shake, her eyes focusing
as she snapped from her fantasy. Suzie Cullen, her best friend
since she started at Jamison, stood in front of her. Suzie was an
art teacher with a penchant for screwing everything male that moved
even though she had a doting hubby at home. Her features made a
collective frown, a puzzled look on her face. "You okay, B?"
    Bree forced a smile, finishing her water and
tossing it in the recycling bin. "I'm fine."
    "Good," Suzie grinned. "You did great, by the
way. Real inspiring." She lowered her voice. “Callum couldn’t take
his eyes off of you.”
    The admission sent a whole new flutter of
butterflies to Bree’s already sensitive nerves. She hated to admit
it, but she’d always thought Suzie was more his type: white, with
long golden hair, a petite frame, and an outgoing personality.
After all, the few times Bree had seen Callum’s ex-wife had
confirmed it. She’d been the spitting image of Suzie, lean and
blonde, with ice cold eyes.
    “R-really?” Bree stammered in disbelief. “He
was looking at me?”
    Suzie nodded as she shepherded Bree toward
the stairs where most of the audience had fanned out off to explore
the city, just as stir crazy as the students they all taught. It
was July and they were at a teacher's conference in Vegas, a month
before it was back to the grind.
    Suzie waved at a small group of teachers that
loitered near the stage, all Jamison teachers. Callum was in the
center of the group, his handsome face lighting up as he
    Suzie looped her arm around Bree's shoulders,
pulling her the rest of the way as she stepped up to the huddle.
"Three cheers for Jamison's own!"
    Congratulations rippled across from her
colleagues, but Bree heard only his.
    Callum flashed her a lopsided smile that
melted her into a puddle every time. "You were amazing, Bree."
    She cleared her throat, looking down at her
feet. "Thanks."
    Suzie leaned in, her face full of mischief as
she scanned the group. "So who's up for a little sin tonight?"
    Almost everyone echoed their approval and
followed her out into the lobby, but Bree hung back with
    He gave her a playful nudge with his elbow.
"You headed out tonight?"
    Bree shrugged, kicking herself for retreating
to her shell. She was always the hunter under normal circumstances,
but there was something about Callum that turned her into a
bumbling idiot. "I-I don't know. Are you?"
    He winked at her. "Well that depends if a
certain English teacher comes out. Keeps me honest and what
    Bree's mouth fell open. He was talking about
her. Was he flirting with her? She let out a nervous chuckle.
"Well, when you put it like that..." She nudged him back. “Maybe
I’ll make an appearance.”
    They pushed into the lobby, alive with dings
and chatter as people milled around snapping pictures and huddled
around slot machines. Suzie was eyeing a group of frat boys with
interest, wiggling her hips for effect.
    Bree let out a groan. “I better keep an eye
on her.”
    Callum touched her forearm, sending a jolt of
electricity through Bree that turned her legs to Jello. "Hope I see
you tonight."
    She watched him walk to the elevator, his
muscular frame promising her delights that made her core clench.
She should say something, something clever. "Yeah, uh, you too."
She let out a groan. Real smooth.
    Suzie started backing it up to some invisible
dancer and Bree laughed in spite of herself. She was really
    “Come dance with me!” Suzie begged, giving a
shimmy that made her chest almost pop from her blouse.
    Bree walked toward her, steering her friend
toward the elevator. "If you're this bad without any alcohol, Lord
help us all when we go out tonight."
    As they stepped into the elevator, Suzie's
blue eyes doubled in size. "We? You're coming out?"
    Bree nodded. "I'm coming out."
    "Oh my GOD!" Suzie squealed. "You're gonna
have so much fun--just you wait and see!"

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