In the Name of Love

In the Name of Love by Katie Price Page B

Book: In the Name of Love by Katie Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Price
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
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and held her hand. His grip felt warm and strong. He didn’t let go when they reached the beach and she realised that she didn’t want him to.
    The beach was deserted; the sun loungers had been stacked up and the parasols all folded away into ghostly white spikes. Charlie kicked off her sandals. The sand felt refreshingly cool under her feet as they walked along the shore away from the resort. ‘It’s so beautiful here,’ she declared. She felt a wonderful sense of freedom and excitement at being alone with Felipe.
    ‘Being here with you makes it perfect,’ he replied. And he moved towards her and kissed her. At the feel of his mouth, his beautiful mouth, on hers and the delicious probing of his tongue, Charlie felt tendrils of lust unfurl within her body. Now all she could think of was how much she wanted him. She kissed him back. She felt reckless … on fire.
    ‘I have a dare for you, Charlie,’ Felipe murmured. ‘We should have a moonlight swim. It’s like this whole beach is here just for us – what do you say?’
    ‘I think we might need to go to the next beach,’ she replied, noticing the two hotel staff patrolling the shore. They were on the look out for any would-be thieves attracted by the resort, but Charlie knew skinny dipping would be frowned upon.
    ‘You’re on.’
    A scramble over some rocks and they discovered a deserted cove.
    ‘Race you in,’ she challenged.
    ‘But I have more clothes than you to take off,’ he protested. ‘You should give me a head start.’
    ‘Okay, shirt and shoes off and then we’re even.’
    She moved closer and unbuttoned his shirt, loving the feel of his warm skin, and then she couldn’t resist further exploration and brushed her hand over his rock-hard abs. He was watching her all the time as if daring her to go further. She unzipped the dress and let it tumble on to the sand. Felipe didn’t take his eyes off her as she unclipped her bra and threw it down.
    ‘You are so going to lose!’ she taunted, naked except for her lace briefs.
    ‘Believe me, it will be worth it,’ he replied, blatantly checking out her body. She contemplated turning away from him and then thought, What the hell? and slipped off her underwear. She raced into the sea and dived in. The water felt like silk against her skin.
    By the time she’d surfaced Felipe was in the water beside her. Damn, she’d missed out on the view. ‘Loser!’ she taunted, swimming away from him.
    ‘Not so fast!’ he called out, quickly gaining on her with an impressive front crawl. Reaching out for her arm, he pulled her to him. Charlie contemplated resisting, and then gave up and curled her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist as he stood up. She shivered with pleasure as she encountered his naked body, which was every bit as muscular, defined and hard as she had anticipated. Felipe kissed her on the mouth and then her breasts, the moonlight glistening on her naked skin. She felt incredibly powerful, sexy and turned on. Ready for anything.
    But then she noticed a couple walking along the beach and wriggled out of Felipe’s embrace. He was about to protest, then registered they were no longer alone.
    ‘I think we should go somewhere a little more private, don’t you?’ he commented, mirroring her thoughts exactly.
    ‘That’s a very good idea, Mr Five Star,’ Charlie replied as she quickly swam back to shore.
    Checking that the couple weren’t looking their way, she raced out of the water and slipped on the dress. She would most likely have to buy Zoe a new one as she wasn’t sure the designer number could take the salt water. Then she couldn’t resist watching Felipe bounding out after her. He made no attempt to cover his very prominent erection.
    ‘I’m surprised there hasn’t been an eclipse,’ she teased. But secretly she was very, very impressed …
    And she was even more impressed when they finally made it back to his penthouse suite. Without a trace of inhibition he

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