In the Orient
remain a captive for centuries, waiting in desperate solitude for someone to finally free it.
    When the Monkey Clone had finished its fantastic tale, May asked how it could be freed. The Monkey Clone smiled coyly. In a friendly voice, it then laughed and told her to come closer so they could better hear each other.
    As May stepped forward, the Monkey Clone’s right arm suddenly shot forward, growing longer as it did. Once the Monkey Clone had a vice-like grip around May’s neck, its hairy arm quickly withdrew, dragging her with it, kicking and screaming.
    Monkey Clone
    Seeing May struggling and in mortal danger, Jockabeb’s instincts immediately took over. As he ran toward her, he yelled, “Let her go, you stinking ape!”
    Surprised and somewhat caught off guard, the Monkey Clone dropped May in order to make a fist. As the Monkey Clone swung its right arm forward, May saw her opening and scampered away.
    The Monkey Clone’s aim was good, striking Jockabeb squarely on his left cheek, knocking him to the ground. With lightning speed, the simian beast then grabbed its new victim by the throat and drew him to its chest, laughing loudly as it did.
    Although relieved that May had escaped, Robert Liu was horrified to see the young American struggling for his life. Knowing he had to act fast if he was to free the boy, Robert clenched his fists and dashed forward.
    There was little doubt in the Monkey Clone’s mind that there was no way the overweight human running toward it could match its own supernatural strength. The evil clone was also determined not to let the boy get away like the girl had done just moments before. After biting down on Jockabeb’s T-shirt so escape was impossible, the Monkey Clone swung its powerful right fist forward with lightning speed.
    The sound of Robert Liu’s glasses breaking and his skull cracking turned May’s stomach. Seconds later, Robert staggered backward, collapsing at Archibald’s feet. Seeing Robert bleeding from a large gash in the middle of his forehead and lying motionless onthe ground, it wasn’t clear to the remaining members of the group whether or not he was still alive. Whatever the case, there was no doubt in May’s mind that her father’s bodyguard wouldn’t be guarding anyone for a long time, if ever at all!
    Capturing a hostage
    After again placing its right arm securely around Jockabeb’s throat, the Monkey Clone spoke. This time, however, there was no trace of kindness or humor in its voice. Spitting out words with vile hatred that had mounted over the centuries, the Monkey Clone issued an ultimatum to May.
    May’s voice trembled when she said, “The Monkey Clone says that we have to leave now and come back tomorrow with an elixir that will dissolve the rock surrounding the lower half of its body. If we do that, the Monkey Clone promises to let us all go as a reward for setting it free. If we don’t come back alone with the elixir, or if we tell anyone what happened here, Jockabeb and Robert will both die a slow and very painful death.”
    “How are we supposed to find an elixir that can dissolve the rock?” Archibald asked in an exasperated voice.
    When May asked the Monkey Clone what the elixir was made out of and where to find it, the hairy beast tightened its grip on Jockabeb, snarling back that it was their responsibility to figure that out. Then, to give the three teens a taste of what was in store for their friend if they failed in their mission, The Monkey Clone leaned its head down and bit off the tip of Jockabeb’s right earlobe!
    Jockabeb’s scream was still echoing off the walls of the dark dungeon when a tiny piece of bloody flesh was spit toward the three startled teenagers who could hardly believe what they’d just seen.
    Even though every bone in his body wanted to remain and fight rather than leave, Archibald instinctively knew what Simtu had known when he left Haktu alone with the Black Raven warriors at the underground lake—staying

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