In the Stars

In the Stars by Joan Duszynski Page A

Book: In the Stars by Joan Duszynski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Duszynski
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for me to loop mine through it. I give my head a slight shake, and smile up at him as I place my hand through the crook of his arm.
    Although there is definitely a chill in the air, the sun feels good on my chest and face as we start to walk down the steps. I look up at the drive and see his car. It is a granite colored Dodge Challenger, and I can’t wait to get inside it. Kyle must notice my face light up, because he gives my shoulder a light bump. “So I am guessing my car passes the test, too?” I look up at him, and he has a very boyish grin on his face. I am guessing his car is special to him.
    As we reach the passenger door, he reaches out and opens it for me. I take a quick glance inside and see black leather seats. I look up at him and give him a big smile. “Yes, Kyle, all the tests have been passed with flying colors so far.” He winks at me, and gestures for me to have a seat. After I sit down, he closes the door to walk around to his side. He sits down and starts his car, and I love the way it sounds.
    Kyle grips both hands on the steering wheel, and looks over at me. “I have wanted one of these for a couple years now. Once I felt like I was capable of getting the actual model I wanted, I went for it. You know, a boy and his toys?” He gives me another wink. I decided then that I like this winking Kyle.
    “I really do like it, Kyle. What model style is it?” He puts the car in reverse and backs out onto the road. “It is a 2013 R/T Classic. I am glad you approve. So, are you hungry; ready to go get some lunch?”
    I rub my hand on my stomach. “I am starving. I haven’t eaten yet today, since I woke up a little later than normal. Is it far away?” He gives me a sheepish grin, then grabs his sunglasses from the center console. Of course, they are Ray Bans—what is it with hot guys and Ray Bans? They look damn good on him, too.
    “Oh yeah, slumber party night. I guess you girls stayed up late. Don’t worry, I will get you fed; it isn’t far.” The only thing I really took out of that last sentence was -don’t worry, I will get you- and I am thinking he most likely will.
    We continue to talk during the short drive to where we were having lunch. Once we park, Kyle looks over at me. “Sit right there, ok?” I nod my head, and he gets out of the car and comes around to my side as I take off my seatbelt. He opens my door and holds out his hand to help me out. I have a huge smile on my face, and decide maybe Raleigh was onto something with this slightly romantic stuff.
    Once we are walking inside the sandwich shop, he places his hand on the small of my back to lead the way. We stop at a stand with paper menus, which they have out so the guests can look through it. Kyle grabs a menu with his other hand, and hands it over to me. The hand at my back is still there, and I can feel it’s warmth through my shirt. I glance over at him, and he is just watching me with a smile on his face.
    “Here, take your time and look through the menu. Order anything you want, even if all you want is dessert.”
    Oh, I am wanting dessert right now, but it isn’t anything I can get from this menu. I turn, so I am facing him, and give him a big smile. But when I turn, his hand leaves my back and I miss the warmth from the contact. “Thank you, Kyle, but a meal of only dessert isn’t good for the hips.”
    Kyle’s eyes roam down my body and back up again. I can see the hunger in them as he looks me in my eyes, and it isn’t for food. “You have absolutely nothing to worry about with your hips, Caroline. As a matter of fact, I see nothing about you that I would change at all.”
    Ok, now I know my cheeks are red. What is with all the blushing?
    Once we have our orders and are seated across from each other, I dig right in. The food really is good, and I am glad he chose this place. We talk about everything; from where we grew up to our favorite color. Mine being purple, and his being blue. With that, he added “like

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