could do. For all she knew, Josh had sent him over here to find out if she knew anything.
“I’m fine,” she said shortly. “I’m just shocked that something like this could happen in our school.”
Phillip nodded grimly, staring at the school as a SWAT team began advancing toward the door. “Things like this aren’t supposed to happen here.”
“Look,” Sam said, pointing at Tracy, who was advancing on them with a determined look on her face. “There’s you girlfriend. You better go see if she’s all right.” Then she turned her back on him and rejoined her friends.
The rest of the afternoon passed in a blur. The teachers finally managed to take a head count, and frantic parents began arriving to pick their children up. Word began to circle through the crowd that someone had died, but no one was sure who.
Sam was relieved when she saw her mom and dad making their way toward her. “Sam, honey,” her dad said, pulling her into a fierce embrace. “I’m so glad you’re all right.”
Sam nodded against his chest. “I was so scared, Dad.”
“Of course you were,” her mother fussed. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. The police want to ask everyone a few questions before you can leave, but once you’re done, we’ll be taking you home, and everything will be all right.”
“I’m sure you’re right,” Sam told her mother, but deep down, she was pretty sure nothing would ever be all right again.
When it was Sam’s turn to talk to the police, she just told them she hadn’t seen or heard anything. Then her parents took her home and she immediately went to her room and cocooned herself in her blankets, determined to block everything that had happened out of her mind.
* * *
Sam woke up and looked up at her clock. She had been sleeping for a few hours. Why hadn’t anyone woken her up? She slowly got out of bed and forced herself not to relive the trauma from earlier that day. Looking in the mirror, she groaned at her bed head and began brushing her hair. She frowned when Ben started talking and then laughed hysterically. His imaginary friends were getting out of control.
She walked over to her brother’s bedroom door, opened it, and saw Ben sitting at his table coloring.
“Benjamin, does Mom know you’re up here alone?” she asked from the doorway.
“I’m not alone. Phillip is here with me,” he said.
“What? Who’s here?” She walked further into the room and found Phillip sitting on one of Benjamin’s beanbags, his dark hair falling across his forehead. He looked up at her with his concerned blue eyes.
“Phillip,” Benny reiterated.
“Yes, I can see that,” Sam said, shocked.
“Hey, I hope this is all right. Your mother said I could wait until you woke up, but then I met Benjamin and he asked me to play, so I came up here with him.”
“No, no. It’s okay. I’m just surprised, is all. I wasn’t expecting to see you here at my house.”
“Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were all right. You are all right, right?” He stood up and walked toward her, looking her up and down. “You seemed so upset earlier.”
“Yeah, I’m fine, thanks,” Sam said quickly, trying not to recall what had happened. Why was he the only one who’d noticed how shook up she was?
“Are you okay, Sammy?” Benjamin asked, squinting up at her.
“I’m fine, Benny. What are you guys doing?” she said, changing the subject.
“We were drawing. Phillip drew you a picture. Here,” he said, handing her a piece of paper.
“Thank you,” Sam said as she took the drawing. “Flowers. Wow.”
“Don’t mock my poor artistic skills. I know I may not be the best artist, but I’m not the worst either,” Phillip said with a grin.
“I’m not mocking your artistic abilities,” Sam said, examining the strange, stick-like drawings, glad for the distraction. “I can tell they are flowers.” She started laughing.
“I drew flowers for Mommy, too,” Benjamin said, holding up his
Pauline Fisk
Garth Nix
Guy Stanton III
D.W. Jackson
Tiffany Reisz
Gordon Rothwell
David Tallerman
Sophie Barnes
Jacqueline Wilson
Teresa Trent