Incarnate: Mars Origin "I" Series Book III

Incarnate: Mars Origin "I" Series Book III by Abby L. Vandiver Page A

Book: Incarnate: Mars Origin "I" Series Book III by Abby L. Vandiver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abby L. Vandiver
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That’s all
I needed to make this just that much sweeter.”
    Her laugh that
came from the speakers was throaty, and condescending. “Sweeter? What you’ve
done is not sweet.”
    “What do you
    Laura Tyler
meant the world to him. She was his weakness and he was not ashamed of it. But
she was strong-willed and stubborn. Not being able to control her frustrated
him, and disappointing her deflated him.
    “Have you
called off your dog yet?”
    “Do you mean
Castor? Yeah. Of course. He was the first person I called after I spoke with
the people at the government office and got the permits.” He took a sip through
the straw of his soft drink, the only thing left of his day’s solitary meal.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Aren’t you happy for me? I got this. I did it.”
    “Yeah, and it
just took a few shady deals to accomplish.”
    Aaron raised an
eyebrow and looked down at the screen as if she could see him. “Not shady,
Laura – skill. Savvy. Shrewdness.” A smile curled around the corners of his
mouth.  “I like to think of it as superior ingenuity.”
that type of ingenuity can get you time in jail – or worse – killed.”
    “I’m not
worried. I have you. You’ll get me out of any trouble I get into – jail-wise.
And for anything else I have Castor.”
    “You seem
pretty sure about that.”
    “Castor has my
back. I’m not worried about him.”
    “No, I mean
pretty sure about me.”
    Aaron paused.
This conversation wasn’t going as he had imagined. “I know you wouldn’t let
your man rot in jail. I’m sure you’d be my knight in shining armor and come to
my rescue. Hey, what is a lady knight called?”
    “Yes. Dame
Laura. You’d be my Dame in shining armor.”
    “My Yale law
degree doesn’t work in Egypt. If you got yourself in trouble here, I’d have to
find a new man, because they would throw you in jail for at least the next
twenty years. And if you keep up with your antics – threatening to kill people
to get what you want, I might start looking for a new man anyway.”
    Aaron didn’t need
a lecture about his methods. His methods had paid off. He had his permits and
he would be the one to find what laid hidden under the Sphinx. He needed her
support. Plus, comments like that from her were kind of ironic. Truth be told
she was just as ruthless as he.
    “You know once
I make this find, I’ll be famous. Better try to hold on to me.”
    “You really
think that there’s a library filled with books underneath the Sphinx?”
    “Of course I
do. I thought you were with me on this. That you believed in this too.”
    She seemed to
hesitate before she spoke. It gave his jitters in the pit of his stomach. “I’ve
got your back, baby, that’s true,” she said. “But the stuff you’re looking for
is the stuff of fairytales.”
    “What are you
talking about? This is real.”
    “If you Google
‘Hall of Record’ part of the first line reads ‘mythical library.’”
    Aaron sucked in
a breath and blinked his eyes tightly. Shaking his head, he bit his lip to stop
himself from saying something to her he’d later regret.
    “And the
Akashic Records-”
Records?” He interrupted her. She couldn’t be serious. “Now that’s what’s not
real. I’m not looking for mystical knowledge on non-physical planes of
existence. Science backs up my claims. There has been ground-”
    “Yes, I know
about the ground penetrating radar that’s shown that there are cavities
underneath the Sphinx.” She paused. “I just hope you know what you’re doing.”
    “Look. I’ll
have to call you back.” He wasn’t about to let her crash the high he was
feeling. “Book your flight and call me back so you can let me know when you’ll
be here.”
    “Try not to
kill anyone before I get there.”
    She was really
getting to him.
    He reached down
and pressed the button to end the call. Veering off the main road, his vehicle
jiggled up the rocky, dirt incline, the

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