small sanctuary on the church's main floor, below ground, in the church cellar, the Reverend Joseph Adams called the meeting of the Vigilance Committee to order. There were twenty members on the official roll, but only four had shown up tonight— Hester, Bea, Branton Hubble, and William Lovejoy. Lovejoy owned a very successful barbering business and was the wealthiest man in Whittaker.
    "First of all," the Reverend Adams began, "I'd like to thank Bea for contacting everyone. There are fifteen choir members at the rehearsal upstairs, a good turnout for such short notice."
    Bea accepted the thanks with a nod of her gray head. The rehearsing choir would serve as a mask for the meeting.
    "Now, the reason we are here. There's been much speculation over the whereabouts of the Black Daniel. Rumors have him gone to ground from here to Ontario, and back. The Order has asked all chief conductors to ask their local agents if anyone knows where he really is."
    Hester hesitated to reveal Galen's location upon hearing of the Order's interest, but Galen had given her permission to reveal his presence so she said, "He's in my cellar, Reverend."
    Suddenly she was the center of attention. "Bea patched up his injuries, but I never told her his true identity."
    Bea smiled. "So that's who he is."
    Bea then swung around on her chair to get a good look at William Lovejoy, and said, "Guess a woman can keep a secret, eh Lovejoy?"
    Bea's cackle of amusement seemed to further sour Lovejoy's petulant features. William Lovejoy was a stooped, balding little man of about fifty years of age. He had made it clear for many years how he felt about women being members of the Vigilance Committee: he was opposed. His prejudices had caused many arguments among the members, especially in light of all the work done by women on behalf of similar committees throughout the country. Lovejoy turned to Hester and asked sharply, "Why haven't you told anyone before now?"
    Before Hester could answer, Branton Hubble, Hester's neighbor and good friend, asked Lovejoy coolly, "Do you ever announce who you are harboring in your loft, Lovejoy?"
    Lovejoy knew the answer. He did not respond.
    Hester smiled her thanks at Branton for his support, saying. "I didn't want to reveal his whereabouts without his permission."
    Bea cracked, "Secretive and smart."
    The reverend then asked, "Do you think the Daniel will agree to meet with us?"
    Hester could see the enthusiasm in the reverend's eyes as he voiced the question. The Black Daniel was a legend; few if any had ever seen him. Hester understood the reverend's desire to be one of those few. "I'm not certain he will agree. He's convinced we have a traitor in our midst."
    Everyone stared. Branton Hubble asked, "What do you mean?"
    Hester told them Galen's story. When she finished, the room was silent.
    "That's impossible," Branton barked.
    "I agree, Branton," Hester replied. "However he is convinced the slave hunter was telling the truth."
    "There are no traitors here," Lovejoy stated.
    "Suppose it's true. How do we proceed?" Bea asked.
    "The Black Daniel says he has a plan," Hester stated.
    "What sort of plan?" the reverend asked.
    Hester shrugged. "I've no idea." She thought about revealing Galen's questions concerning local land for sale, but she'd not asked him if he wanted that information revealed, so she did not.
    The group spent a few more minutes discussing the faults and possible merits of Galen's theory. In the midst of this, Lovejoy said, "Reverend, I seriously think we should discuss Hester's continuing role in the harboring of such an important man."
    "Why?" the reverend asked skeptically. "Hester seems to have everything well in hand."
    "Because if he needs protection, a man should be there."
    Bea asked, "Are you offering to be that man?"
    "I don't see why not," Lovejoy stated proudly. "My home is large, and—"
    "And," Hubble broke in, "you're the worst shot in three counties. If the Black Daniel finds Hester's care

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