Instant Daddy

Instant Daddy by Carol Voss Page A

Book: Instant Daddy by Carol Voss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol Voss
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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long hours in the lab and be part of Jake’s life. And it wouldn’t force him to tear his son from the only mother he’d ever known. But would Jessie consider moving? “I’ll give it some thought.”
    “Figure out what you’re willing to do for a relationship with your son. Once you know the answer to that question, you’ll figure out the rest.”
    “I can see sleepless nights ahead. Thanks for listening. Now get some rest. I’ll be home tomorrow.”
    “You know we wish you the best.” Scott’s phone clicked off.
    Peter turned off his cell and stared at the graph on his laptop. He gave a fleeting thought to the list of tasks at the lab he’d had to delegate to allow him to stay another day. Too many things for his own peace of mind.
    But Scott was right. To allow time for Jake, Peter would have to cut back on his hours. That would mean assigning some of his work to technicians and hiring another assistant to take up the slack. Was it possible to make so many changes without compromising the stringent quality he demanded in the lab? Especially now that they were beginning the testing phase on humans? He sure couldn’t compromise that.
    His mind snagged on the mathematical equation he’d been working out on his laptop. The roadblock shifting and giving way, he began keying in the solution.
    If only he could solve his sudden father status as easily.
    “What?” With a glance in each direction, Maggie power walked across the street beside Jessie. “Whatever made you decide to help him?”
    Dragging in a breath of earthy scent left behind by the rain, Jessie hurried to keep pace. “He looked so defeated, I…”
    “He manipulated you.”
    Is that what happened? Remembering the look on Peter’s face after Jake fell, Jessie shook her head. “No, he didn’t.”
    “Well, he took advantage of the situation to get you to do what he wants. Sounds like a controlling man tome.” Maggie dodged a puddle in the middle of the sidewalk.
    Jessie veered to avoid her. “What kind of mother would I be if I didn’t make sure he knows how to keep Jake safe?”
    “How much are you planning to let him be around Jake?”
    “I don’t know. Will advised me to compromise. He said if it goes to court, Peter could possibly win full custody if he wanted.”
    “How can you be certain he’s Jake’s father without a paternity test?”
    “He already took swabs for a DNA test. But anyone can see he’s Jake’s father.”
    “Well, even so, waiting for results of the DNA test could buy you time until you figure out a strategy to deal with him.”
    “There’s been no time to figure out a strategy,” Jessie blurted. “It’s like Jake and I are suddenly in the middle of a tornado and all I can think about is how to keep him safe.”
    “I don’t mean to criticize, Jess. I just want to help.”
    “I know.” Jessie waved at neighbors sitting on their front porch, the ache in her hip warning her to drop back a little.
    Maggie slowed her pace. “You okay?”
    “I’m fine.” She wanted to tell the entire town she was fine and be done with it. After the accident, being grateful for everyone’s concern had worked for a long time, but constant reminders that she was no longer the person she used to be only set her apart to pity.
    Pity didn’t help. Not pity from others, nor self-pity. She needed her energy to try to keep her life together.Which she’d been doing a reasonable job of until Peter Sheridan showed up with a claim on Jake.
    She couldn’t help feeling God had pulled the rug out from under her…again.
    Mixers whirring, Jessie hurried to one of the stoves, pulled two strawberry-rhubarb pies from the oven and set them on the cooling rack. Tossing her oven mitts on the counter, she barely noticed the mouth-watering aromas mingling with the other pies and cakes she’d managed to bake despite being all thumbs this morning. She gave the clock above the sink an evil eye. How had she forgotten she had extra baking

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