officers had sparked national outrage and rightly so. That meant there was going to be a lot of people converging on the nation’s capital. The spill-over to Turners Point would be enormous, Lizzy didn’t know if her hometown could stand it. If the concert did go as rumored then that would mean they would need more security. More security meant more room for error as well.
What Lizzy didn’t want was her city being on the news for making the same mistakes as the cities referenced on the nightly news almost daily.
The mayor cleared his throat. “Yes, this means that there will government agents underfoot trying to keep the peace. The White House would prefer not to relive the fiasco in Colorado last month.”
Lizzy nodded. No one wanted to relive that incident. After the concert, the audience demolished the arena as well as most of the city. There was millions of dollars of damage. Luckily, no one was killed, but countless police officers were injured. “I agree. Are you going to enlist Callahan Securities again like we did for the Independence Festival?”
“Most likely, since we have also received a grant from the Department of the Interior to cover security.” He glanced in Lizzy’s direction. “There’s a little paperwork involved and I was hoping you could look it over today.”
“Yes, sir.” Drat! There went her hopes of leaving early and checking on Izzy. She glanced across the table at Tristan. He smiled at her as he shrugged those broad shoulders. He mouthed the word ‘sorry’. Lizzy smiled back. Not even reading a boring document could ruin her day. She was in love.
Later as the meeting broke up, Lizzy gathered her notes and headed to her office. Tristan was right behind her and closed her door. “Hey sorry, you got stuck reading that grant. I know you’re dying to see Izzy.”
“Have you heard from Cam yet?”
He shook his head as he walked around her desk, standing next to her. “No, I haven’t. He texted when she first went in, but nothing since. I’m a little worried.”
“Join the party,” Lizzy said dryly. “Mom called just before the meeting. I think we’re all on pins and needles, especially since she’s been on medical leave.”
“I know, baby. You just gotta keep good thoughts.”
“When did you get this optimism thing going on?” She glanced up at him. The urge to kiss him was very strong, but she knew that was definitely off limits during work hours. They had both agreed, especially with Tristan being the city manager and she was the lead attorney for the city, no office smooching.
“Since I met you.” He caressed her face gently. “Why don’t we have lunch before you delve into that document? I just finished reading Kori’s divorce settlement, my eyes still hurt. I think her ex’s lawyer used the smallest font possible to type that document.”
“A quick lunch. I really want to get started on this for the mayor,” Lizzy said.
“Sure, baby. Your wish is my command…Within reason.”
“Spoken like my man.”
After a quick bite of lunch with Tristan, Lizzy settled down at her desk. In her absence, her assistant had placed the document on her desk. It was more than fifty pages, she reasoned. Better start now before someone drops something else on her already cluttered desk.
She had barely gotten through the first page when her private line rang. This had to be Cam, she hoped, as she picked up the phone on the second ring. “Lysette Carter-Hall,” she announced.
“Hey, Lizzy,” the caller said.
“Yes, I actually dialed the phone myself.” She laughed. “You know I can still function as a human being. I’m just carrying a life, not losing all my brain cells.”
“I know. It’s just Cam always calls after a doctor’s appointment. Where is Cam?
“Passed out.”
“Say what? What
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