Into the Heart of Evil

Into the Heart of Evil by Joel Babbitt Page B

Book: Into the Heart of Evil by Joel Babbitt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joel Babbitt
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult
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you.  In
truth and in deed, they are in your hands.  May the accomplishment of your
mission be foremost in your mind, and may you consider always the welfare of
your warriors.”  Looking Durik in the eyes, he said, “Bear well the symbols of
eternal vigilance and unassailable strength that adorn your chest, and may your
vigil be constant and your strength in defense of the gen never failing.”
    Lord Karthan faced the entire assembly. “Let us
form the group which will go forward.”  Beckoning with one hand, Lord Karthan
spoke to Manebrow and the five warriors who sat with him on the floor just
behind the line of kobolds, “Kormach Manebrow, are your warriors ready?”
    Jumping to his feet, Manebrow said, “Yes, Sire.”
    “Come!  Stand with your new leader caste.” 
    Manebrow and his five warriors got to their feet
and formed a rough line behind Durik’s line.  Lord Karthan raised his hands
above his head and lifted his gaze to sweep across the assembled mass of elite
warriors.  “Assembled leaders of the Kale Gen, as I have alluded, tonight we do
more than make warriors of so many yearlings.  Tonight, we make an adventuring
group—Durik’s Company as it shall be called—to stand as such until there is a
vacancy in the council.  Already they are many,” he observed, waving his hand
in the direction of the five warriors who stood with Manebrow.  “However, it is
clear to me that still they are lacking.  Tonight, in order to help Durik’s
Company accomplish the quest that they’ve been given, I call upon the council
to add one more to their roster.”
    The eyes of all the council members instantly
riveted on Lord Karthan, most of them bracing for a fight with Lord Karthan
over who they would let go and who they would not.
    Noticing their gazes, Lord Karthan continued, “I
do not speak of warriors, however; of strength in battle I think they shall not
have want.”  Many of the defensive looks on the faces of the warrior group
leaders turned quizzical as Lord Karthan turned his gaze to the functional
leaders on his right.  “I speak instead of a capability that they will sorely
need, that we have not as yet provided them.  In this quest, they will have
much need of access to the most ancient of lore that our gen possesses. 
Indeed, I expect that without it, their quest would fail.”
    This comment spawned much discussion among the
council members, especially the warrior group leaders.  It was well known that,
of the warrior groups, generally the Deep Guard were the best trained and
educated in the ancient lore of the gen.  Khee-lar Shadow Hand did not look
pleased, but instead of blurting out his disagreement, he sat back, waiting for
Lord Karthan to make his next move.  Raoros Fang and the majority of the other
warrior group leaders were silent, as they knew that none of their warriors
were knowledgeable enough to tap for this duty.  The functional leaders on Lord
Karthan’s right were all looking nervous, however, as they had little power to
defend their positions, and mostly very small staffs to carry out their
    Lord Karthan had paused his arguments for a
moment, waiting for all to fall silent.  “For this purpose,” he continued, “to
act as an advisor in the most arcane of lore, which they are sure to encounter,
I propose that we send one who is well studied in these things.  Lore Master!”
he called in a loud voice.  At the table to his right sat the most ancient
kobold in the room.  His horns had curved forward on themselves and had started
back again, and his scales had begun to flake, having already turned a light, translucent
bronze with his advanced age.  The Lore Master, upon hearing his title, sat up
as if he’d been sleeping, and raised the large, hollow horn that he used to aid
his failing ears.
    “Yes, my Lord?” he stammered. 
    As all turned their attention to the old kobold,
Durik noticed for the first time that Kiria sat among his apprentices at

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