It's Better This Way

It's Better This Way by Travis Hill Page A

Book: It's Better This Way by Travis Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Travis Hill
Tags: Science Fiction - Alien Invasion
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wave of ships departing the alien mothership.
    The video once again changed to a hazy ground view, and we watched four huge bricks come together then begin unfolding outward. There was no way to judge the size of the completely unfolded building until the video cycled to one that was near a tower. It was unthinkable that a building could be that large. It was a titanic complex that reached about one sixth of the way up the tower in height, and was at least ten times more massive around the base than a tower.
    “As you might have guessed, you older types anyway, this footage is from SEES-31, a Navy spy satellite that sits almost fourteen thousand kilometers above the earth. SEES-31 and a few other sats survived the EMP attacks, but we had no way of contacting them, even knowing they were still up there, still functioning, until about eight years ago. The SEES spy sats were automated, and the minute the alien ship entered our orbit, we tasked them to track anything and everything, from orbit all the way down to the surface.
    “First, I want to tell you about the towers,” Hardaway continued as the video switched to a high-resolution shot of a tower, its top far above a jungle canopy. The alien ship must have moved out from below the satellite, or this was video from a different sat. “We weren’t able to get close to them because the bulls keep a wide perimeter around them guarded by automated weapon systems. Ten miles is as close as you can get to them before an energy beam reaches out and kills you. Thanks to the satellite data though, we understand a lot more about them that we ever have.
    “After tasking the two remaining research satellites still active in orbit, we’ve been able to determine that the towers are four kilometers in height, and four kilometers in circumference at their base. We also believe that the towers have two important properties. One is as a wireless power source for bull technology. Certain energy waves emanate from the towers,” he said as the video changed to a thermal or some other filtered view, and waves of energy radiated outward from the tower’s top. “The other task, and the most important one, is that the towers are removing methane from our atmosphere.”
    This caused a bit of a stir with the older ones in the crowd who could remember back when global warming had been a hot-button issue, and methane gas from all the cows and power plants as well as the natural decay of organic material (mostly cow shit) had raised the methane levels in the atmosphere to alarming levels.
    “We believe,” Hardaway said, “that methane is a super-toxic poison to the bulls. Notice if you will the activity around the towers and complexes. Most of the bulls don’t have their head armor activated.” Slow-moving bulls with their faces uncovered moved in varying patterns in the clips that played. The majority of residents had never seen an armored bull, let alone one with its alien face completely uncovered. “We believe this based on two pieces of evidence. The first is the atmospheric concentration of methane near these towers is non-existent to about a ten klick radius from each tower. The second is because of this.”
    The video changed to a daylight scene cut with sharp, dark shadows. The video was shaky for half a minute before it smoothed out. Two soldiers were in front and off to the right of the camera’s view. It looked like it had been filmed in a large city, Los Angeles or San Diego if I had to guess. Two bulls patrolled the trash-filled streets six blocks behind one of their massive crushing machines that ate up human cities and spit out dusty chunks from the rear. One of the two soldiers pulled two items out of a backpack, handing one to his partner.
    I watched, holding my breath, as the two soldiers walked up behind the two bulls. I knew from experience that the bulls would do nothing to them since neither soldier had a weapon visible, but I also knew something amazing or frightening

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