
Jack by Amanda Anderson Page B

Book: Jack by Amanda Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Anderson
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these kids must be tough right?  So maybe they will be.”
    Viki sighed.  “Oh baby.  These kids are just kids.  They are really sweet kids too, you’ll like them.”
    He took a deep breath and nodded.
    Viki drove to the compound and followed the long dirt road that led to the President’s house.  She must be insane to come back after being told not to.  They could kill her for it and no one would even care.
    She slowed.
    This was a mistake.  What would happen to Bobby if these men killed her?
    She looked into the mirror at his sweet face.  How could she take such a risk with him?
    “No. No.  No.  No.”
    Someone pulled up behind her and her heart froze in her chest.  Lambhead climbed off his bike and walked to her window.
    “Everything ok Viki?”
    She only nodded.
    “He nice looking kid back there.  I didn’t know you had a kid.”  His smile was open and for the first time he didn’t look like a monster.
    “That’s Bobby.  He’s my nephew.”
    “Hey Bobby.  I’m Lambhead.”  He lowered his head so Bobby could get a good look at the white curls on top of his head.  Bobby laughed and Lamb let out a bleat that even had Viki fighting a giggle.
    “That’s not a nice name.”  Bobby said quietly.  “Doesn’t that hurt your feelings?”
    Lamb shook his head.  “Nah, I can’t really deny it and it’s all in fun.”
    Bobby looked like he was thinking about that real hard, but he didn’t say anymore.
    “So, everything ok?  I’m headed up to Preach’s place to take some stuff to Mrs.”
    “Yeah, I think I’m ok.  Just being silly, maybe.”
    Lambhead nodded, but he looked like he knew more than he was saying.
    He followed her up the long dirt road and parked beside her in the yard.  Viki turned off the car and popped the trunk to pull Bobby’s wheelchair out.  Lambhead was beside her before she could get it on the ground and helped her get Bobby settled.  He didn’t even bat an eye when he settled Bobby’s little legs on the seat.
    Bobby’s eyes were huge as he watched Lamb maneuver him as if he were normal.
    “My little brother had a chair like this when we were kids.  He could do some cool tricks too.  I was never as good at it though.”  Lamb said as he lifted Bobby’s chair up the three steps to the porch.
Viki felt her heart squeeze in her chest.
    “Really?”  Bobby said with more excitement than Viki had heard in his voice in months.
    “Yup.  I might show you a few things if your mom doesn’t mind.”  Lamb said with a grin.
    “My mom is dead.  I live with aunt Viki now.  She takes care of me.”  Bobby said in a small voice.
    Lamb’s head shot up and his eyes met Viki’s.  She saw remorse there and something she couldn’t identify.  Respect?
    “Well, your aunt Viki is doing a good job.  She works real hard and you seem to be pretty strong.  And now you’ve got me as a friend… you can’t get much luckier than that.”  Lamb winked at Bobby causing him to laugh again.  Then his eyes met Viki’s.  “You both do.”  He nodded and wheeled Bobby inside the house.
    Viki was overwhelmed.  She didn’t know how to deal with this new turn of events.  Lambhead had been one of her most hated tormenters for so long, but now he seemed like a totally different person.  These men were too confusing to handle.

    Jack groaned as he rolled over.  He had spent the night in Spec’s apartment at the clubhouse.  He hadn’t killed Fish, but he’d wanted to.   He’d had way too much to drink after than to dull the pain in his body. 
    He tried to sit up, but a cool hand on his chest stopped him.
    “You look like shit.”  Mrs. said as she sat on the side of the bed.
    He just closed his eyes and leaned back against his pillows.
    “Need you to get your ass out of this bed and come over to the house around two o’clock.”
    He glanced at the clock which told him it was just a little before noon.
    “Why would I want to do

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