Jaguar Secrets

Jaguar Secrets by Khloe Wren Page A

Book: Jaguar Secrets by Khloe Wren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Khloe Wren
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limited control to start with. It doesn’t
take long to get the hang of it, just try not to get too angry or upset for the
first few weeks. And no, the moon has no effect on us.”
    “When will I shift for the first time?”
    She watched a slight blush creep over both men’s
    “Ah, well. You see, sugar, you’ll shift for the first
time after you ovulate next.”
    Cammi barked out a laugh before she could stop it. “So
you’re telling me, the first time I’m going to flash into a fully grown jaguar
will be when I’m hormonal with PMS? Oh I can’t wait for that. You two planning on going for a holiday about then?”
    “Oh, neither of us will be going anywhere, darlin ’. Along with those hormones, you’ll be hornier than
ever. And I can’t wait to see you as a jaguar.”
    Cammi picked up another bit of chicken and slowly
peeled parts off and ate it as she pondered all the information.
    Nate closed his eyes as he basked in the sunshine. He
could just about hear the cogs turning in Cammi’s mind, but she needed to work through it all on her own. She didn’t need him and
Luca hounding her. He hoped she didn’t take too long to think about it. He was
hard and aching. She’d caught a glimpse of his piercing. A grin formed as his
cock twitched at the memory of her as she raised her sexy eyebrow in question
after he’d shifted. He’d purposely waited a few seconds to clothe himself, just
to see her reaction. His eyes flew open when he felt soft lips against his
ribs, shocking him out of his thoughts.
    “What the fuck?”
    He gazed down to see Cammi prowling over him, leaving open
mouthed kisses and licks in her wake. He groaned as his body responded to her
call. She reached his nipple and the cheeky thing gave him a gentle bite. He
clenched his teeth against the need to drag her up against him. She had to be
in charge for the moment.
    “You know what you’re starting here, don’t you Cammi?
There’s no turning back once it’s done. Shifters’ don’t do divorce or
separation. Ever.”
    “I know what I’m starting. And I don’t do divorce or
separation either. You two will be stuck with me for the rest of our lives.”
She cocked her head to the side. “Just how long do shifters
    “A little longer than humans, we should make it to
around one hundred and fifty years old.” Nate couldn’t believe how gruff his
voice had gone. His arousal was on a skyward flight path.
    “I reckon this tree is more comfortable.” Luca’s
equally rough voice spoke quietly as he moved to sit next to Nate. His move
gave Cammi easy access to both of them. Nate suppressed a chuckle. No matter
what they agreed, they were two alpha males with one woman. There would always
be a little competition for attention.
    “Sure as hell is. Even comes equipped with our very
own little kitty cat.”
    He winked at Cammi and fisted his hands in the rug
beneath him. He desperately wanted to drag her to him. She shook her head with
a chuckle and continued her way up his body. She reached his mouth and kissed
him with exquisite gentleness. She moved her body so she straddled his hips and
her hands came up to cup his face as she delved into him, tasting every inch of
his mouth. He felt the heat of her core through both their pants. She began
rocking against his erection as she mewled into their kiss.
    She pulled back from his lips and they were both
panting for breath, her eyes half-closed and she looked so damn good with her cheeks
flushed by arousal.
    “You are beautiful and so damn sexy.”
    She flushed darker red and Luca groaned next to him.
Cammi shyly leaned over to Luca and gave him a kiss that was so hot Nate felt
heat against his skin. She pulled back and settled back over Nate’s thighs.
    “Now, how far do I go before you two get to take over?
I’m not real experienced at seducing.”
    “Until we’re inside you, you have control. You want us
to touch you, all you need to do is ask. Once we’re

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