my computer monitor and try to ignore the need coursing through me in waves.
That little taste, if I can even call it that considering I didn’t put my mouth on any part of her, was not enough. Instead of stilling the need raging through me, it’s just made it all that much worse.
I know what she looks like underneath those modest clothes she wears, and I now know what her pretty little slit looks and feels like. She’s perfect everywhere, sublimely perfect, and it’s a physical struggle I’m waging with myself not to just go back into the bedroom and fall on her like the beast I am.
I want so much more than what I allowed myself this morning, and that’s why I’m keeping my ass pinned to this chair after dosing her again and putting her back to bed.
She’s not ready for me yet. She still has some healing to do and I can’t touch her again without knowing that I won’t hurt her. So instead of going in there and opening her thighs so I can finally taste her sweet folds, I’m planted here, fighting to stay away.
I almost took her in that tub, almost, but I stopped when I looked down and saw her stitches, reminding myself that while she is better and almost healed, thanks to the drugs we gave her, she is still not there.
That’s all that stopped me when she put my hand on her sex and admitted her arousal. Once I felt all that slippery perfection, my dick got too hard to take no for an answer and I couldn’t stop myself from at least touching her and seeing her own pleasure.
My jerking off was pure instinct, and I didn’t realize I was doing it till I came.
I haven’t come that hard in…ever, and I once spent a night with a ballet dancer who was more flexible than an elastic band and knew exactly how to use her pelvic muscles.
This experience trumps even that and I’m starting to think that once I do get inside Paulie, I may never want out again. At least not till I get one kid in her and know that I have her for good.
I smile, remembering Ma’s tactics, and lean back in my chair with a chuckle, shaking my head in disgust. The woman is a menace if ever I met one, and I just knew she wouldn’t be able to resist claiming Paulie as her daughter before I claimed her as my woman.
Too bad for her, I’m not a pussy like Wyatt and the others. No, my girl will wear the ring I give her without me having to see Ma’s stamp of ownership winking at me at every turn.
I know just the ring I’ll present her with, and I can barely contain my excitement at the thought when my monitor starts beeping and I shoot forward to check it out.
I’m on the phone and calling Miah less than a minute later and he answers with a growl that sets my teeth on edge.
“This better be life or Goddamned death, bro.”
“I got a video and I may need you in here before I take a closer look,” I say, feeling myself go ice cold inside at what I’m seeing on the screen.
This cold, stony place I feel myself falling into is not one I ever want around to pull my girl into, and though I know I would never hurt Paulie, I refuse to have her alone with me in the next room while I’m in this frame of mind.
This is the place I go when I’m on a mission, and I see something that turns my stomach. This is the place I go when I’m ready to kill someone for committing terrible crimes against humanity.
The last time this happened and I wasn’t on a mission and able to focus on a target, Pop ended up rebuilding half the cottage and replacing two cars I trashed with my bare hands.
“Yo, you sound—oh fuck!”
Miah’s face is almost comical as it morphs from joking to deadly in under a second.
I look into the terrified face of my girl on the video I happened to find while trawling the Net with facial recognition software that the military wishes I would sell to them.
“Jared, dude, just calm down now, bro,” Miah says quietly, coming closer slowly when he recognises the look in my eyes.
I feel like I could rip
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