Just One Night: Part 2
on. We have dessert to finish.”
    “And some dirty dancing ahead of us.” She’s grinning like a crazy fool now.
    “Don’t embarrass me at the club, that’s all I ask.”
    “Who, me?” She pulls the velvet curtain open. “I would never do that to you.”
    “Famous last words,” I say, taking my seat next to William.


    THE MUSIC IN THE NIGHTCLUB is so bass-heavy, I can feel it in my bones. I’m delighted to find that the club is also ridiculously crowded. Jennifer has no choice but to press her body up against mine on the dance floor as a result.
    “Ready to pull shapes?” Edward yells at Mia. He’s way too happy and entirely too loud. I wish he’d hurry up and go legless with the scotch he’s drinking so I can stop worrying about the poor girl.
    “Pull shapes?” she yells back. “Do I even want to know what that means?”
    He grabs her around the waist and pulls her onto the dance floor. “Dance, baby, it means dance. Come dance with me!”
    She lets out a whoop as they disappear into the crowd.
    “They’re having fun,” Jennifer says.
    “You warned her, correct?” My days of watching over my brother as he raises Cain will never be over.
    Jennifer’s hands slide up my chest as her hips begin to move with the beat. “Yes, I did. I promised I would, didn’t I?” She’s looking up at me with those innocent eyes of hers and bats her eyelashes. I want to see her face turned sideways as she closes her eyes, lost in the passion between us. I want to watch her go witless as I’m pushing inside her. I can’t stop thinking of all the ways she’s made me want her and made me laugh too. I should probably send Malcolm a thank you note for hosting that stupid party. Without him, where would I be tonight? In my office with the P&Ls. A dreadfully dull evening compared to this one, indeed.
    I put my hands on her hips and slide them around back to her arse. It’s just as lovely as I remembered, soft in parts and firm in others, more than just a handful. I want to bury myself in her right now.
    How long must a man pretend to enjoy clubbing before he can get to the rogering bits, anyway? I resist the urge to check my watch.
    “Yes, you did promise to warn her,” I say, back in the present. I take a deep breath in and then let it out, trying to control my runaway libido. At this rate I’ll be leaving the floor with a stain on my trousers, and that would never do.
    “Are you having fun?” she asks me, pressing her breasts against my chest.
    I can’t help but look down at her cleavage, imagining exactly how it would feel to push my cock up between them. Oh, it would be such a tight fit, just like it was between her legs… “Yes, love, I am.” I mumble. Am I drunk? I feel as though I am.
    Her movements cease for a moment and then start again. “You’re staring at my breasts again, William.”
    I blink hard and look into her eyes. “Oh. Indeed. How naughty of me. My apologies.”
    She giggles. I love the way it lights up her features, even in this dark place. “You are naughty. I’m not going to forgive you, though.”
    “Why ever not?”
    “Because. That would mean I don’t like it when you’re naughty.”
    If this is not an open invitation, I don’t know what is. And I don’t need it to be engraved when a simple flirt will do. Sliding my hands up her back, I made sure to bring my thumbs around to the front of her ribcage so I can rub them over her beautiful breasts.
    “You like it when I do things I shouldn’t?” I ask.
    She presses into me, wiggling her hips side to side. “I like it when you do things you should . Like what you’re doing now.” She slowly turns in time with the music so that her back is to me, our bodies never losing contact as she goes round. Her arse is now pressed against my cock and she’s grinding against me in a circling, pulsing rhythm that matches both the music and the beating of my pulse. It crosses my mind that it would be a very

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