and looked around.
Still a little disoriented, her first thought was that she was in some kind of very modern hospital room. Her bed was actually a small alcove set into the wall. Above her, a double row of spherical lights shined down. The room itself was circular, and the surfaces gleamed like polished silver.
As she came to her senses, Hannah realized that, if this was a hospital room, it was a very strange one. There were no monitors, no equipment of any kind that she could see. The room was, in fact, quite empty.
No furniture, aside from the bed. Nothing on the walls. Not even a door that she could see.
Hannah tossed the blanket aside and sat up. Her feet were bare. She got out of the bed and felt the smooth surface of the floor, which seemed to be made of the same silvery material as everything else.
It reminded her of something, just at the edge of her mind. Silver …
It all came back to her in a rush. The silver-clad man who’d claimed to be an alien. Hannah willed herself to wake up, to stop dreaming, but some part of her knew this was real.
She walked to the far side of the room and put her hand against the wall. She could feel a faint vibration. Hannah took a few steps to her left, and there was a sudden whirring sound. A rectangular space in front of her slid open, revealing some kind of hallway.
Hannah went out and looked left and right. The hall curved away in both directions. She turned and looked at the room she had just exited. Above the door, written in plain English, were the words “Crew Cabin 1.”
The doorway slid closed as she stood there, and Hannah realized she could just make out a faint outline in the otherwise smooth space of the wall.
With slowly dawning awareness, Hannah realized what this place must be. A spaceship. It reminded her a little of things she’d seen watching science fiction movies, her favorite rainy night activity. Choosing at random, Hannah turned left and began walking down the hall.
A few yards on, Hannah spotted another outline in the wall. Pausing before it, she saw that it had a designation, as well. “Crew Cabin 2” was written above it. A second later, the door whooshed open and she saw another room exactly like the one she’d just left.
She moved on, passing two more cabins before coming across a door labeled “Engineering.” Intrigued, she waited for it to open, but unlike the others, this door did not open for her.
“This area is restricted, I am afraid.”
Hannah nearly jumped out of her skin as Sa’Zhan seemed to appear out of nowhere. In reality, of course, he’d merely come around the corner, but it was still a shock. Hannah glared at the alien.
“What’s going on?” she demanded.
“I brought you to my ship when you fainted,” he replied.
“Do not be concerned. You are perfectly healthy. The ship’s systems automatically monitor all vital functions.”
“I’m not ‘concerned’ about my health,” Hannah said.
“I just want to go home.”
Sa’Zhan looked confused. “Your home is with me, now,” he said.
“You must forget about your previous life.”
Hannah shook her head, but she realized some small part of her would be happy to do just that. Forget the life she’d had, and find something new. What would she be missing, after all?
Still, she wasn’t about to just go traipsing off with the first alien that tried to claim her as his own, no matter how good looking he was.
“You really need to move past that, because it’s not going to happen,” Hannah said.
Sa’Zhan shook his head.
“You do not understand,” he said. “You are to be my soul mate. It is destined.”
“Well, I don’t believe in destiny,” Hannah said.
Of course, she hadn’t believed in aliens, either, until all of this. It was really just too much to take in all at once. She decided to change the subject.
“How is it that you speak English so well?” she asked.
“And why are all the signs on your ship in my language?”
“Ah, the
J. R. Roberts
Donna McDonald
Geoff Dyer
The Unlikely Angel
John Sandford
Carly Alexander
Neal Shusterman
A. Meredith Walters - Find You in the Dark 01 - Find You in the Dark
Amos Tutuola
Griffin Hayes