Killing the Secret

Killing the Secret by Donna Welch Jones Page B

Book: Killing the Secret by Donna Welch Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Welch Jones
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Mystery, Retail
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Langley, you’re under arrest for the making and distribution of methamphetamines,” Lexie said the words loudly and with authority.
    The men started running. Lexie fired a series of shots to Wilbur’s left forcing him to the right as she circled toward him. Toby disappeared into the woods. Wilbur sought cover in a cluster of trees.
    A big Indian “bird” flew from his perch knocking Wilbur to the ground. Wilbur yipped like a wounded pup. The breath escaped from his body with one heavy gasp. Wilbur’s long gray hair camouflaged his face as Tye reached down and pulled him up by his shirtfront.
    “Wilbur,” Lexie’s voice was friendly, “glad we finally caught up with you.”
    “That fool nearly broke all my bones. I ain’t a big horse like him.”
    “Could’ve been worse,” Tye retorted. “If I hadn’t fell on you, I probably would’ve really gotten hurt. Unfortunately, you’re so boney I may have a puncture wound.”
    “Let’s go,” Lexie ordered. “There’s a jail waiting for you.”
    “Now, you don’t want to lock up a man who might help you solve that murder, does you?”
    “What murder is that?” Tye said nonchalantly.
    “That town woman I found dead in these woods.”
    “If you know something about the murder, Wilbur, you better speak up fast. I’ll charge you with withholding evidence, child neglect, and the multiple drug charges you’ve built up over the years. If you don’t live past a hundred, you’ll never be free again,” Lexie warned.
    “I just said I might could help. Sometimes my memory fails me when I ain’t being rewarded for my good behavior.” Wilbur squeezed his stubby chin.
    “What kind of reward do you think you deserve?” Tye asked gruffly.
    “The sort that lets a man go loose in the woods instead of going to jail.”
    “It’s not happening,” Lexie shrugged. “You know, with your poor memory, you might just make-up something.”
    “My memory is comin’ back.”
    Tye shook his head. “Congratulations, Sis. It must be your lucky day. The criminal is remembering something to save his own ass.”
    “For instance, where you found her body ain’t really where she died,” Wilbur’s lips formed into a sneaky grin.
    “That so?” Tye responded.
    “Sure is. One of my kin moved the body ‘cause it was too close to his work. He don’t want no intruders on his property.”
    “I’m interested,” Lexie said. “Where is this place?”
    “Oh, I can’t tell you that. This guy’s a mean one, likely to shoot me in the head if I mess up his operation.”
    Lexie placed her hands on her hips. “So far, Wilbur, you haven’t told us anything that would earn you a get-out-of-jail free card.”
    “I’m gettin’ there.”
    “It’s a slow trip,” Tye quipped.
    “I found something under the body that’d help you find the culprit.”
    Lexie responded, “What’s that?”
    “Can’t say. That’s the part keeps goin’ in and out of my brain.”
    “Well, the next time it enters your brain, tell me quick,” Lexie suggested. “Who knows? I might try to help you with the sad predicament you’re in.”
    “I’ll scratch your back, if you’ll scratch mine,” Wilbur winked.
    “There’s not going to be any back scratching today,” Lexie said, “considering your memory problem.”
    “You’ll change your mind, Sheriff Girlie.”
    Lexie grabbed Wilbur’s arm and pulled him toward the car. She pushed him in and handcuffed him to a bar in the back seat.
    “I’ll see you back at the office,” Tye called to Lexie as he walked toward his truck.
    Wilbur was silent on the trip back to the jail.
    Occasionally, a groan from the backseat revealed the aftermath of having a two-hundred pound “bird” fall on him. His odor enveloped every crevice in the car.
    Lexie rolled down the window and the warm wind brushed against her face. She felt the tears build up in her eyes. A few escaped, and she smoothed them into her face. Her passenger didn’t know it, but she’d

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